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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by skyscrape

  1. Has anyone seen, handled, or heard anything in regards to the new sticks? Like wether the U+Pro will be more durable yet heavier? Like the ST? Or is it the same basic idea as the U+CL just lower tech? I am really interested in trying one of the sticks, but if not much has changed, why should I wait?
  2. What does the Perron pattern look like or compare to?
  3. Being on here on Valentines night! HA! Won our game 4-0 tonight though!
  4. Tis the season! I was just coming on here to post the same thing. Like others have said, keep your chin up. Thank god for friends and hockey!
  5. Skates: Nike/Bauer Supreme One95's Helmet: Bauer 4500 Gloves: Warrior Franchise Shoulders: CCM Tacks 1052's ELbow's: Easton Long Cuffs SHin Pads: Easton Pants: Bauer Supreme One55(soon to be Warrior's I think) Sticks: Bauer One85 102 flex Gagne, Bauer one85 112 flex Staal Wedge, and Easton St 100 flex Zetterberg all non-grip
  6. Had my iphone stolen out of my car after running in to grab my hockey gear.
  7. How is the length on them?
  8. I have a messier curve lockjaw in my garage!
  9. I second this one! Painful to watch!
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