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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Shayno

  1. I am 175bs...and had a 100/50 FBV done an they felt like my skates were not near sharp enough.....
  2. You must be a big guy....I came close to pulling the trigger on a pr of those same elbows.....but they were huge(size 6).Those are size 5's?...Nice!
  3. Sorry guys....but what does TSR stand for? Thanks
  4. My local liquidation world has these pads on for $17.99....really!
  5. Those are sick!! Im a X90 guy, but those are amazing....so they are a custom order from Eagle? And also, it looks like the inside is orange? Is that right? Great gloves!! Congrats!
  6. What eagles are they? (red black)? Look great!! Would love to get a pr to add to the collection! Thanks
  7. Those are the One60 LE's? Very nice skate!! Congrats! Cheers!
  8. TSR? or Prostockhockey.com? Sweet pickups by the way!! Cheers!
  9. Ok....I have a question for JR, I have just gotten back into hockey(last year) after a 10 yr absennce....believe it or not I used CCM Tacks skates(with low end stock blades) before and loved them. I just bought Wade Belaks old skates(mission L7 pro stocks) with a heel lift. What should I tell the guy in the shop where i get them sharpened? I play forward, and like a slight forward pitch(+1)?? I guess. Should I tell the guy to shapen them to 0? Just want these skates to work for me, as I love the fit! I will have to replace blades soon as there is not much left, but can get a season or 2 out of whats there i think. Any idea's JR or any other expirienced guys? Would a pic help? If so i can add. Thanks for any input gentlemen! Cheers!
  10. I Totally agree!!! You can only look at so many pr's of X60's and Total ones....with the Franchises gloves sitting beside em!! I want to see different stuff! Thanks, by the way!! Both you guys!! Cheers!
  11. They sure look like the ones on Prostock? Good buy though!! Congrats!
  12. Those are the best four rolls I have ever seen....any more info on them? I want a pr......are they custom? Thanks for sharing!
  13. DolomaticDangles I have a pr of Eagle X90's and love em!! Very nice...I think your are in better shape than mine though!!
  14. Good question!! Would love to know the answer myself!! I too had a set o custom 90's done years ago!! Cheers!
  15. Bla Bla Bla.........lol
  16. Hey feebster....did you get this stuff from E-bay? Where did you pick this stuff up so cheap? Thanks
  17. Dude......your my hero!!! I want all of it!! Are the gloves from custom program or stock? And what size are total one's? I'm so jealous!!! lol
  18. What palms are those Seven6? Wicked looking..congrats!!
  19. How much? Thanks....by the way, those are hot gloves!!
  20. For the few of us who have enough friends...and are not members of facebook....lol We can't see pics?
  21. Gotta love the "uni"'s!!! Sweet looking...reminds me of Brampton Batallion(old) By the way....you running the Ove look?, and also...your not fat.......just portly!!! LOL
  22. Thanks for answering, am about to order custom warrior's after seeing yours! Those are sweet!!!
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