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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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booyaagrandma last won the day on October 13 2013

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    los angeles

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  1. https://www.flickr.c...th/50849284958/ 2 pairs of David Krejci Bauer pro stock gloves. 1 pair of 1X Pro and 1 pair of APX pro. Both 13'' with no liners as stock. 1X Pro $160,APX $120. Nicklas Backstrom Bauer X60 Caps gloves. 13'' (liners intact) $120. Taylor Hall, team Canada (Olympic) Bauer APX Pro. 13'' (Liners intact) $175 Matt Duchene ,14'' Reebok 11K gloves. Normal palms,not digi palms. Thumb loops and cuff modded as Duchene does. Both can be reattached if desired. $90 Penguins 14''Reebok 11K gloves. Thumb loops and cuff modded as Duchene does. Both can be reattached if desired. $90 Jets Bauer 4 Rolls. 13'' with single layer palm and shortened cuff. $80 Shoot me any offers you have if you like the item but not the price. No trades please. Shipping not included.
  2. https://www.flickr.com/photos/50924616@N03/albums/72157717927013781 2 X Reebok 7187 (Home and away) The away is a Meigrey game used from the 2008-2009 season. Both are MIC,size 54 and have the NHL shield and fight straps. 1X older Koho (Authentic on ice game jersey) Burgundy home jersey size 52. MIC with NHL shield and fight straps. Think circa 2001 looks wise. 1X Older Koho (Authentic on ice game jersey) 3rd/Alternate jersey size 52. MIC With NHL shield and fight straps. Think circa 2001 looks wise. 3 X Reebok Colorado Avalanche socks,home ,away and alternate 3rd. Size XL,used with some puck marks and repairs. Think circa 2001 looks wise. 2 X center ice Colorado Avalanche practice jerseys,1 X grey,1 X black. MIC,double shoulders,no fight strap. 1 X Boston Bruins older Koho (Authentic on ice game jersey) size 52. MIC With NHL shield and fight straps. Please send me your email address for more pics. $125 per jersey. Socks $20 per pair Shoot me any offers you have if you like the item but not the price. No trades please. Shipping not included.
  3. Custom Ireland ( Eire ) jersey that Marcelo @ Junkyard Athletic did for me. Marcelo's work is amazing and hes a great guy to work with,I HIGHLY recommend him
  4. Very sorry for your loss, condolences to you and your family.
  5. 'My new stick'', How do you like the Nexus Tony ? Nice gloves pick up too
  6. Nice hardware ! Good job.
  7. They are excellent.They were for my teams Oilers 3rds from a few years back. The lighting is'nt great in the pics but the shells are navy with a white and silver stripe to match the jersey.
  8. Custom shells from Junkyard Athletic, thanks Marcelo these are excellent.
  9. Really nice, good job.You could sell those .custom order.
  10. Is there anywhere to get the Ireland gear online ? I'm from Dublin, been here in LA a looooooong time but have always wanted to get any team Ireland gear .
  11. Where did you get the Ireland gloves ???????
  12. Where did you find those ? Never mind, just saw them on Ebay
  13. Excellent ! Where did ya snag those ?
  14. Hey ! I know those sticks ! Glad they arrived alright.
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