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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by iceman8310

  1. How is the True customizing vs. bauer and ccm? I had a pair of VH skates that were done via the tracing. I know the technology has changed. I want to get the best option,
  2. what has your experience been with the original VH skate the VH Footwear one vs. the True skate? Better fit? worse fit? The scan vs. tracing process? better quality?
  3. The as1 is probably the wrong fit. Try another jetspeed. Possibly try vapor.
  4. Has anyone tried removing the graphics from the super tacks and as1 skates? It looks to be just a sticker. What did you use and did it affect the skate.
  5. Why not get a pro stock stick for $120.
  6. What did you use to take the graphics off of the super tacks?
  7. http://www.hockeymonkey.com/graf-hockey-skates-peakspeed-pk7700-sr.html peakspeed on hockeymonkey
  8. Anyone from Russia know if Flame Hockey still exists? They made bags, gloves and a few other items
  9. Quick question. I like the heel of the 1x so when ordering custom, to get the same heel would I order a A heel or a AA heel?
  10. I love the xxx vapor gloves!!!!!!
  11. do the cxn holes match up with the speed blade and ls2/edge holder?
  12. where are the fit centers? I had to do the tracings myself
  13. I've had my skates for a year and a half and no rust issues. skating 3-4 times a week
  14. No rust and no tendon guard issues. skate about 2-3 times a week on them. maybe a 4th here and there.
  15. Car companies take designs all the time. Remember the Chris Bangle BMW 7 series with Bangle Butt? Two years after Lexus, Chevy, and a few others copied. It happens in various forms of design.
  16. sometimes the puck finds you, not always for the right reasons
  17. is this way different than a cagone machine? nice concept now kickstarter, next shark tank?
  18. when I ordered mine i went for the coated toe
  19. No rust on mine. skate about 4 times a week I have speedblade holders on my vh and want to go to ls2. Do the holes match up? I do not want to redrill
  20. If you are on the fence about buying these, buy them. You won't regret it. Fantastic product, beyond fantastic customer service and a smile on the face when skating.
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