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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About twistoffate19

  • Birthday 04/08/1988


  • Skates
    Bauer One100
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500 w/Bauer HS22
  • Gloves
    Bauer Supreme TotalOne
  • Stick
    Easton RS Prostock

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  • Location
    Windsor, Ontario
  • Gender
  1. It was a good day to embrace the small amount of Russian in me:
  2. Added yet another stick to my collection of Eaves prostocks. I now have 2 Eaves S19s, 1 Eaves S19 repainted as an RS, 1 Eaves true RS, and now this Widow SE. In regards to the picture of the name, does anyone know why the name was misspelled? I've seen this on other Warrior prostocks for guys who don't normally use Warrior sticks.
  3. Well after injuring my knee earlier this year and being told I wouldn't be allowed to skate until at least late December, I've got the green light to so some stick and puck on Wednesday!
  4. My RS prostocks. Top to bottom: Mursak, Eaves, and Mueller. Mueller one is up for sale, but I'm loving the other two. Can't wait for Wednesday to try them. I've been rehabbing my knee and been given the green light to do some stick and puck!
  5. Time for an update to my gear: Helmet: Bauer 4500 w/ HS22 Wave visor Shoulder Pads: Sher-Wood 5030 Elbow Pads: Sher-Wood 5030 Gloves: Bauer TotalOne Pants: Bauer TotalOne Girdle/Shell Shin Pads: Sher-Wood 5030 Skates: Bauer One100's Sticks: CCM U+CL Prostock (Ovi curve), Versteeg Prostock EQ50, Prostock SE16 Grip (Drury curve), Retail EQ50, Versteeg Prostock Dolomite Spyne. Have an SE16 painted like an S19 with an Ovi clone on the way.
  6. Picked up two new sticks this week: 1. Versteeg prostock EQ50 (SE16 repaint) from PSHG. Normally I don't look too much into looks of a stick, but with blue highlights instead of red, the EQ50 graphics look much much better. 2. Stacey Wahs U+CL (SVL). Has an Ovi-clone curve on it. Really like the way it feels stick handling in my living room.
  7. I'm a bass player myself. Current lineup from my favourite down: 1. 1993 Fender Jazz (American). Swapped out the stock pickups for a nice set of Bartolinis. I'm a self-taught player and I taught myself using a borrowed bass. Once I deemed myself worthy of a better instrument I started shopping around. Found that I liked J-Basses. I found this one on kijiji for $650. Went to pick it up and the guy gave it to me for $550. Took it in to my dad's friend who runs a local music shop, cleaned it up, checked all the wiring, everything was perfect. First bass I bought for myself and I still love how versatile it is and it's still my go to bass when I play shows and record. 2. 2009 Sterling by Musicman Stingray Ray34. Haven't touched the pickups, but I did swap the strings for some Rotosound Roundwounds. I play this one whenever I play anything punk or ska related. Wish I could afford a real Stringray but for the money this thing sounds pretty close to that nice real Stingray tone. 3. 1974/75 Gibson Ripper. Originally my dad's but he passed it along to me when he picked up a new Gibson T-Bird. Not my favourite guitar to play but I do like sounds I can get from it when I'm playing some older bands music (Beatles, The Who, etc.). Still prefer my Fender over it in the end, but I do bust it out every now and then.
  8. Not a bad last couple of days for me. Won a new EQ50 stick, then picked up a brand new SE16 and a pair of brand new TotalOne gloves for $100 total. On top of that, I'm leaving for Mexico this coming wednesday where I just found out I'll have my own room for 6 days. Solid last couple of days leading up to an awesome Mexico trip.
  9. Just got this in from Pro Stock Hockey Gear today. Victor Oreskovich CCM U+CL.
  10. Nope I didn't see the socks. I was too busy marveling at how small Kronwall's feet are. I was one of the first people through the doors for the game and I booked to HTA to get those Eaves sticks. They were behind the counter with my name on them for most of the night. I will say if I was a lefty, as much as I despise Hudler, I'd have picked up some of his too.
  11. They are actually S19's (I'll try and get a better pic of the taper later). Regarding the flex, it is hard to say for sure. When I got them, they were really short. I put a 12 inch extension to get it to the length I normally use (which is about 1.5" longer than retail). They way they feel after doing that is about a 95-100. The curve is a lot nastier in person. The pictures don't show it as well I'd hoped, but it is a nasty curve. Can't wait to try them.
  12. Made a trip to the Hockey Town Authentics outlet in the Joe during last night's game. Picked up these beauties. In that last picture, the curve on the far left is a Kovalev curve on my Widow for comparison. I also had to take a vast amount of Goo-Gone to take all the tape residue off the shaft. Apparently Eaves is a fan of rubbing black tape on the shaft to the point where you couldn't see the "S19" at the bottom before I cleaned it up.
  13. (I've done a revamp of some stuff) Helmet - Bauer 4500 w/Bauer HS22 visor Shoulder Pads - Sher-Wood 5030 Elbow Pads - Warrior Hitman Gloves - Bauer X60 Pro, Warrior Franchise, (Pair of Warrior Kovy Atlanta Gloves on the way from the customizer) Pants - Warrior Pro Series Shin Pads - Bauer Supreme One95 Skates - Bauer TotalOne (V. Filppula Pro Stock), Bauer Flexlite 4.0 Sticks - Warrior Widow Prostock, Warrior Dolomite Prostock (Versteeg), Easton SE16, Easton S19 Prostock, Bauer X60
  14. MissConduct, I actually think you and I got our Widows from the same source heh. If so, I saw that Hudler Widow when I picked mine up. That curve in person reminded me of a slightly toned down version of an Ovechkin pro curve (not quite as open/wedged). The curve itself was too deep to be a replica of Hossa's pro curve. Either way, it was a beauty curve and beauty stick.
  15. New prostock Warrior Widow. I tried to show the Dagger Taper in the second picture. I like the graphics package on it being all blacked out.
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