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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

5 Minute Major

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Everything posted by 5 Minute Major

  1. 1st full weekend off from in a very long time. Time to relax my brain!
  2. NIce FAT! Wear the Phoenix Set up at open on Wednesday!
  3. HockeySavants - Nice twig!
  4. Finally bought a new car! Well somewhat new... '09 Civic Si w/ 38,000 miles. Certified w/ a 5 year bumper to bumper warranty.
  5. Insomnia kicked my arse last night. Today is gonna suck!
  6. The retail curve shown in the Combat Catalog looks like his actual curve. I saw FatPhilly's Jagr Pro Stock last week and it looks very close.
  7. hehe It's great to know people who know people. =) The right people that is.
  8. Yo Fat, are you "Fat Boy"? friend's w/ Eddie? If so, this is Joel.
  9. I think they have a couple of Hartnell's left at the SZ in Voorhees as well.
  10. I want to try them out tonight at open hockey but they are about 1.5 inches too long. You can definitely tell the blade is softer though. We'll see... i might give them a try tonight w/o cutting them and then go from there. I'll cut them tomorrow if I have to and use them at open tomorrow night again. I'm really anxious to use the G twig.
  11. Danny Briere Total One and Claude Giroux APX Pro Stocks.
  12. You missed the Flyers Eq sale a couple of months ago. Picked up those Versteegs for $50, socks, helmet w/ visor and a couple other things. Yeah, most of the Flyers are lefty's. That's the only reason I didn't grab any. I'll def post some pics of the new twigs once I get them.
  13. From a friend. He's bringing this and a Giroux Pro Stock to me tomorrow. I'm also getting a Jagr Pro Stock Combat Pure next week.
  14. Getting my hands on a Giroux Pro Stock APX and Jagr Pro Stock Combat Pure tomorrow! I'm a righty so I'll probably just hang up the Jagr. Not sure if I want to use the Giroux either. Might just hang that up as well.
  15. Working by yourself all day everyday sucks! Especially in retail! This job is putting a beat down on my mind and body. But hey, at least I'm working, right?
  16. Just got my autographed baseball signed by Chollie, Victorino, Mayberry Jr and Dubee! Go Phillies!
  17. Ahhhh Nice man! I wish I could've gone on Monday! I usually go there on Wednesdays because that's the only day during the week that I have off. Hopefully i'll catch up with you one of these days!
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