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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. What does the matte grip feel like? I've been wanting to try it out
  2. quick question, does anyone know if the HD foam on custom Eagles bulk up the gloves a little bit?
  3. Those sticks remind me of the old ultra-lite shafts where you can see the weave. I love the simple design of those sticks.
  4. kinda hard to see, but are those one piece fingers?
  5. Just want to clarify, dual flex zones means the stick flexes around the centre of the stick right?
  6. will the shafts be longer like other companies have done? or are they staying keeping the standard 48" or whatever?
  7. Congratulations and best of luck David
  8. thats a nice curve, what's the lie on those blades?
  9. you know, instead of blaming the internet, you should just stand corrected
  10. do you rec league there? I play there every week in the adult rec league
  11. OK, how about the skate sharpener at the LHS who offers you a discount on a skate card if you pay him cash. Of course he doesn't ring it up on a register, so you know that money is going straight into his pocket and he isn't going to be paying taxes there either. well you got your sharpening didn't you? <_<
  12. i like the blade, didn't mind the feel, but is it going to be around still though? any canadian store owners know?
  13. Does anyone know if the Ultra Graphite blade will still be around?
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