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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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donkers last won the day on November 28 2014

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  1. martin is the old guy that runs it right? he got mad at me one time because i had to fill up multiple water bottles. he's a prick but makes the rink money so he thinks he's above everyone else.
  2. that pick up has been running for 20 years if not longer and there are guys who have been there consistently for 10 years or more. they just have a different definition of regular. btw we lose our ice time to them in the summer all the time so i'm not on their side or anything.
  3. i'd wear them they look sweet
  4. From head to toe... Bauer 4500 with Re-Akt cage and CCM V08 with Tron visor Sherwood 5030 CCM CL elbows Warrior franchise gloves CCM HP30 and 9k girdle Bauer pro series shin guards APX2 with nash tongues for extra sty prolly gonna replace the fusion blades with ls3 soon sticks...oh man, so many but i'm back with my dolos for the moment its like the old gf you can't stop thinking about and trying to get back with
  5. next time try sportk ;-) http://www.sportsk.com/vintage-nhl-hockey-jerseys.html
  6. i thot you were a leafs fan i love the nordiques jersey. best goddang jerseys ever designed.
  7. that sucks luckily the last team i was on everyone came to me to make the lines even though i wasn't captn. i usually slot the weaker players on one wing and they rotate with each other or some variation of that. i never did a top heavy line because we always got killed that way the other teams can quickly tell when you do that and just wait for the right matchup. i'm done with the bs in beer leagues i just play tournaments and pick up now. sometimes i get asked to sub every now and then and it makes me remember why i'm over the unnecessary drama.
  8. i had a road king 2 for a bit and wow was it overkill. mesa makes some killer stuff but after a while i just wanted simplicity more than anything.
  9. heh yeah thanks for the clarification for wranger like i said, i didn't mean it in an offensive way anyways, i got out of the gear collecting thing a few years ago but i was really into it when i was in college and parents footed the bill for everything else. here are some pics of set ups I used to rock at house parties and stuff. my favorite amp was my Shiva 6L6 but the thing was overkill so I got rid of it. i don't play much anymore these days unless it's my acoustic but if i were to pick up the guitar again i'd probably grab a peavey classic 30 and another les paul standard in addition to my homemade strat copy. i'm not picky when it comes to guitars' years and stuff. http://s1318.photobucket.com/user/captdickweed/library/?sort=3&page=1 oh god this thread is giving me that itch again especially now that i have a good job and money to spare... time to peruse craigslist to see what killer deals i can snag.
  10. total TGP set up I'm not saying that in a bad way, I too, used to have a TGP set up.
  11. I was the same way with Pokemon cards.
  12. Kind of the same thing happened to me 3 years ago. I bought one jersey but was shipped 2 (even the packing list said 1). I called them up and they ended up giving me the 2nd jersey for half off.
  13. The weird half and half design on the cuffs irks me along with the circle Warrior logo. I don't know, I'm not a fan of anything besides Warrior's 4 roll style and Luxe gloves. Everything else looks like lax gloves.
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