Blackstone X02 & Blackedge Runners combination? Hey, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, i recently pulled the trigger on a pair of blackedge runners, and i'm wondering if any of you had any experience or feedback on sharpening those runners using blackstone machines, specifically the X02. How does it go? i suppose/hope that the blackstone wheels are made strong enough because apparently blackedge runners are made of really hard materials. when sharpenening, do you guys still do the same process as with any other runner (passing roughly 7 to 10 times) or do you have to make more passes? and assuming that i go to my Local store to do the first cross grinding, like blakedge says we should do, is not doing the cross grinding on future sharpening really ok? like many people have been saying here in this thread. thank you! looking forward to a great winter.