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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. Not a fan of the discontinuation of “boot only” option. Yes- mine shipped with the Step holder, then after catching a HARD shot to the ball of my foot, I immediately installed a Vaughn cowling when I got home. I was thinking that I may get my next pair in the next year or so. It could easily change by the time I re-order, or I may get an old favourite Graf boot, provided they are still around when I reorder skates. It all depends on how I feel about things. Still a fan of the VH/True boot, however.
  2. Good onya!!!! Bloody hell- I am in AWE of First Responders!!!!
  3. You ever try 1” ROH? I don’t know if this is true, but I have even heard that goalies went with a flat cross-grind. You’ll find your preference.
  4. Good on both of you! A bit late to the game here. Nothing is more scary than the unknown journey; nothing is more rewarding than to see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!
  5. The saddest thing is my butt does not provide the comic relief these days! Har dee har har!!!!
  6. Now I was waiting for the pun! Not offended AT ALL. Gotta be able to take a joke in this cruel world!
  7. Yes- VERY true about automated. Again- poor local sharpening by hand will make you love automated.
  8. @jimmy Darn it- can’t edit the last post. The Sparx are taking over due to inexperienced sharpeners and places not wanting to hire good ones (i.e. pay the $$$). The pro Sparx units do allow for a cross-grind capability, which does help with the number of passes. Not everybody wants to mail in blades. I am not picking on your business (or any other mail in sharpeners) by saying that, BTW. My Sparx does fantastic for me, and I can touch up my edges after every skate. Is it a good hand-sharpening? No. But the ability to get a consistent edge and not worry about the pot luck sharpenings is priceless. And I’d rather get a Sparx sharpening out some place than worry about whether or not my edges were going to be right. I have had more than one game ruined due to a wheel that was not dressed properly.
  9. Sparx has been gently taking over under-staffed pro shoppes everywhere, @jimmy
  10. Me, too! I miss A-trap; when I had pot luck getting that edge done correctly, the Sparx machine was the answer. Just wish the Sparx machine could do an asymmetrical hollow, which I know is utterly impossible with how the machine is set up. Heck- I had a HUGE learning curve with Step Extreme steel on the Sparx and nearly sent the machine back over my difficulties getting it right. But obviously, I DID get it right!
  11. I did not change my ostomy bag early this morning; HUGE mistake!!!! My bloody bag had a blow out (adhesive gave way and shit was leaking) and I got shit everywhere!!!! First blow out with the bag and I am pissed off!!!! I will have a lot more stories like this one, I’m afraid...
  12. I like Fire compared to FBV ‘cos I can do that myself...
  13. Got my ostomy protector. Feels nice and secure. The hernia belt definitely makes coughing more comfortable. Coughing and sneezing is what makes me know I had major abdominal surgery. My only question is how to wear my ostomy bag. Two companies claim they have sold these units to hockey goalies, yet none of them are members here, it seems...
  14. Thanks for your kind words. This is actually rated for “extreme sports, fire fighters and police”, but I grilled the company owner about this protector (www.stomaplex.com) and he says he has a couple of goalies in this protector. I figure it like this: I don’t have to like what is going on, but I had bloody well better embrace this and figure out how to keep doing the things I love. It will still be awhile, but I will stink up the rink once again!
  15. Update: It looks like it may be longer with the bag than anticipated. I ordered an ostomy protector rated for hockey. It looks like if I don’t end up with my J-pouch in August, I may as well play some hockey whilst waiting. Thanks for reading and stay tuned...
  16. Exactly. When I was still skating out, this option was a bit tougher to do if you did not know where to look, but now there is no excuse as there are a few outlets to buy the pro stocks.
  17. When I was skating out, there were occasions that I could get formerly top-tier sticks at 30-50 and sometimes 75% off retail. The sticks were older (as in 2-5 years old); big whoop! Note that it was usually Warrior, Easton, or something else that was not Bauer; however- I was able to get an MX3 shaft at a very good price. I ended up rocking an NOS Easton aluminium shaft in the end, which I bought for a princely $50. But my Warrior and Easton shafts were equallyprincely in their cheapness. You have to look even when you don’t need a stick and stock up if you end up liking the stick.
  18. Yep- That’s what I am actually doing. I ended up grinding down those ribs a bit further before getting out the palm sander. Thanks for the suggestion.
  19. You bring up a very good point about Vegas. This is where the men are separated from the boys.
  20. Half of the cowling is nearly flat from where the runner was cut off. This is a painstaking process getting the cowling nice and flat with a palm sander. The great thing is that there will still be a centre line on the cowling for reference to mount the Sprung chassis. https://imgur.com/gallery/Kop56Bw
  21. Cutting the blade off of an old school cowling so I will have a proper cowling on a goalie boot. This will go between the Sprung chassis and the boot. It takes a bit to get the cowling flat, but it is better to cut less than dig into the cowling. I ordered goalie wheels. I am also going to reveal a couple of twists in the cosmetics of this inline goalie skate.
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