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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. One would say that the monocoque boot provides a performance advantage in the fact that the outsole is not a separate piece from the boot. It could be seen as more of your movement going to the holder and runner, essentially. This would be from continuous fibres surrounding your foot. That is a subjective argument, as well since after all- if multiple pieces were that bad, the monocoque boot would have made its appearance long ago and nobody would be using Bauer skates (how they are currently made), however- if Bauer ends up making their own monocoque skate, then it would prove if nothing else, they don’t want to be left behind. Now- if someone could build what would essentially an orthotic with a holder attached (yes- an upper would have to be built around it, etc., etc.),that would be a game changer, albeit VERY expensive. To define “orthotic with a holder attached” would be that the skate would be built to a mould of your foot and there would not be a removable insole; the insole WOULD be the footbed and outsole. A few pairs of super-high end cycling shoes are made like this, costing a couple of thousand dollars.
  2. Didn’t Dyson make a vacuum sweeper in honour of the USPS because they pain SUCK?!??!?!? Nothing like the English Postal system...
  3. You mean neither are true?!?
  4. Makes me think of the idiots who try out for Anerican Idol, as some of these people had their parents lying to them!!!
  5. I had a client who had that idea about his son for baseball. He sent that kid to every camp, private lessons, and the like. When you added it all up, he could have sent the kid to an upper-crust State university on the money he spent. The worst part? No college scholarship for that kid!
  6. Put that money into college savings, I say! Can’t add anything else!!!
  7. I am so sorry to read about this. Sending mojo to you and your family.
  8. Who knows? When it was just VH, it was most likely false as even the pros were buying their own boots; with True in the picture, could be true or false. You should compare his boot versus a stock one.
  9. Last Sunday was the first time I participated in goal since my UC problems and resultant Illeostomy. Whilst gassed after a couple of hours, I can’t wait to hit it again this Sunday. Don’t let something like wearing an ostomy bag stop you from living life.
  10. Did not know that was an option. Mine were made in the midst of the change over...
  11. The single holder for both skater and goalie is a big cost saver for inventory. I am betting it still benefits VH/True big time, especially going through one supplier. I would probably surmise less pressure from Step and more of a cost-saving incentive. I would bet the pro teams ordering the skates would still be able to go boot only. Think about this: you can now easily buy the replacement runners as a spare part, both a benefit to True AND Step. Again- I think it is less pressure and more incentive for True. Before True got involved, VH was a boot maker. Selling a complete skate makes customers more likely to keep the stock holders and buy replacement steel. Remember this: it is a decently easy remedy to repair too many holes in a composite outsole.
  12. Not a fan of the discontinuation of “boot only” option. Yes- mine shipped with the Step holder, then after catching a HARD shot to the ball of my foot, I immediately installed a Vaughn cowling when I got home. I was thinking that I may get my next pair in the next year or so. It could easily change by the time I re-order, or I may get an old favourite Graf boot, provided they are still around when I reorder skates. It all depends on how I feel about things. Still a fan of the VH/True boot, however.
  13. I know you wouldn’t buy it; neither would I! The success of this product will hinge on whether or not they can convince a person that they need it. Being that I can use tape very well along with being able to cut things if I wanted it made stiffer than tape; they can’t convince me.
  14. Hmmmm... $15 for that product, -or- $0.50 worth of tape? What would you do?
  15. Throne lacrosse makes a dye in blue. They don’t have to look like my cowlings!
  16. Perron back with the Blues YET again; I love Perron as a Blue! This is his third or fourth time here...
  17. Exactly. In my younger days, I’d argue until I was blue in the face even if I were wrong. Now I sinply don’t have the energy. I also have no need to prove that I am right any longer. I suggested that we all “fart hug and sing kum bah yah”, but due to having my colon removed, I no longer fart. I wish I were kidding! I’m for turning the page with a wink and a smile...
  18. “agree to disagree” equals that I just don’t have the energy to support my opinion and have stopped caring enough to defend it and ACCEPT that my opinion is not shared. I don’t HAVE to be RIGHT nor do I really need people to agree with me; it’s a big world and there are conflicting opinions. Defending my opinion on an internet forum is not important to me; in the end, I have walked into a crowd that clearly does not agree with me and frankly don’t care enough to “support” my opinion. Besides- I do have better things to do than defend my opinion. My health matters more to me than defending an apparently unpopular opinion; after what I have gone through in the last year plus, defending why I think Bettman is a slime ball and should not be in the Hall of Fame is MUCH less important these days. So yes- onto the next topic for me. There are more important topics to discuss.
  19. Good onya!!!! Bloody hell- I am in AWE of First Responders!!!!
  20. Sure it does. But I will leave this as agree to disagree... Hug, fart and sing kum bah yah and argue the next point?
  21. You can’t argue against those points. It’s the lockouts and constant attacks on goalie safety I have a problem with. But I am in the minority, it seems. I think that HOF rules of eligibility should be the same for ALL: either after retired or dead. But that’s me, I am one person.
  22. It just feels slimy. I’ll change it to slimy, then.
  23. We’ll agree to disagree, then. To me, Bettman getting in HOF whilst still the commish is slimy, at best.
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