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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bunnyman666

  1. It was strange that some of the motocross and BMX chest protector designs migrated into hockey and vice versa. Heck- I remember Jofa making BMX protective gear briefly in the ‘80s.
  2. I have never had my skates profiled but figured it would be 10-15 sharpenings MAX before the intended profile would be lost, particularly with how aggressive I have seen some hand sharpeners go after the toe and heel. Some get really, really rounded.
  3. I love my VH/True skates! (me trying to steer us back on topic)
  4. I knew that there were no fewer than five manufacturers (not incuding the “Nike” Oilers jerseys which I think they were actually SP). CCM was not the ubiquitous brand it is now (yes- it is Adidas now) for sweaters. When I was a kid, there was not much difference between player and goalie breezers, either! I was always under the impression that twill was the order of the day when it was also heat press and other methods. Too many times I would see the unmistakable sheen of HTV on videos of 80’s NHL. I know the name plates on Blues sweaters were HTV. Again- more of a curiosity than anything. Thanks for the answers and keep more knowledge coming!
  5. Ha! Exact team I was watching! I would NOT do HTV over twill; however, for authenticity sake, I would do HTV on truly retro sweaters! The saddest thing is that that ‘diques sweater is one I can NEVER find in Goalie Cut! Thanks for the answer AND the pic!
  6. You need to thoroughly inspect the boots. You may have dried and cracked glues, stitches that have rotted, and other things like that may make these skates unsuitable for use. They may have fared better if stored in a climate controlled environment. My old pair of skates (Bauer Supreme) had rotted liners and the outsole was lifting! As far as installing holders, they can put on as long as the holder isn’t too big for the outsole. I have even seen the newer Tuuk trigger holders on some older boots.
  7. I ask as on some vintage footage, I see what looks to be the seemingly unmistakable sheen of HTV lettering on jerseys in the 70s and 80s. I know it was used on practise jerseys for the longest time. I own a few vintage practise jerseys with lots of stitched spots and board burn. It is more of a curiosity question than anything. Thanks!
  8. I have not worn a boot strap in four years and mine go right back to centre. I wear a Brian’s ZeroG with an elastic system to hold the pads onto my legs, as well as elastic toe ties. I used the Brian’s smart toe, then other styles of shock cord/velcro style toe ties. What Reactor series do you have @sconnie? The later Reactors (pro model was 9000, I think it went 5000, 7000 and 9000) were a bit stiffer than the older Reactors (2000, 4000, 6000); may have nothing to do with your rotation problem. @psulion22 the boot strap ala Lundquist also raises the pad up, effectively giving you a taller thigh rise without using a taller pad, extremely useful in the thigh rise restricted NHL. Never tried the Lundy loop, and found boot straps run conventionally to be constricting for me. I could see the boot strap run like Lundy as an area the NHL may crack down on in their quest to increase scoring, all joking about the boot strap save a couple of days back.
  9. All that it has taken for me to be a “rarin’ to go!” is the fact I can’t do it right now...
  10. The perfect skate for me before I bought my VH/True were the old Reebok since they accomodated my super-wide forefoot and super-narrow heel. I pumped the pump to the max to lock my heel. But the fit of that line supposedly changed with the switch from the Reebok to CCM branding is what I had read, so I knew I was destined for the True skate. If the CCM Ribcore boot would have stayed the same, I could have saved some SERIOUS money because I would have waited to buy some on sale. Please don’t groan “but this skate has a very ugly cowling”, but the Vaughn boot is quite wide, and it was originally slated to be a cowlingless skate. Throw a Bauer Vertexx holder on and you’d be golden.
  11. You like your partner that much, eh?
  12. I am certain it is; but you could change a few features and call it something else...
  13. Two things I am wishing for on the consumer machine: 1) cross-grind wheel 2) Asymmetrical hollow wheels for goalies. I miss the HELL out of A-Trap (when done correctly, of course!) Jeremiah Sparx- I know you read this board, please entertain offering these items!
  14. Find a friend with a ventilator and have them call on your shift and have them ask for you? You’re welcome 🤡
  15. Having the entire surface between three of you would increase the value of the sessions. Weaving between kids on their buckets at a public session is annoying and dangerous!!!!
  16. That is a lot of money. Yes- it is one on one, but the trick to this is several sessions in a row to help develop the habits. If you could successfully split it with a few others, it wouldn’t be quite the financial pain; $115/hour would get pretty old for me for a month’s worth really quickly!!!! I would get pretty burnt out if I weren’t seeing quick improvement.
  17. When I re-entered hockey six years ago, several coaches offered their services. I paid $13/half hour to both a figure skating coach and later a speed skater coach who both offered me help. I am certain their prices increased. This was during public sessions. My speed skater medaled nationally. The figure coach has several students who have won nationwide contests. I made a several month commitment with each of them. What does these lessons entail? Is it a series?
  18. Gah! Must’ve skimmed the post; plenty of shoppes who can’t admit that a job is above their paygrade!
  19. So what you’re saying is next time, order a boot with the holders not attached?!? This is a True/VH skate, right? That is poor, just bloody poor.
  20. I use T-nuts when attaching my cowlings to my composite (VH/True) skates. I use blue Loctite to ensure no monkey business like stuff loosening. Never have had a problem and rusty screws are easily replaced in seconds. I like the fact that I can go to the hardware store instead of going to a hockey store and having to wait sometimes days to fix something I can fix in five minutes. I do value what a competent skate tech can do, so please don’t take this as a disrespect, gentle skate techs. I recognise what is well above my paygrade and will not leave a mess for a skate tech to clean up due to my incompetence. Of course I may watch and learn if the repairs can be done whilst I wait!
  21. I was hoping CCM would build a better mouse trap!
  22. Saves me an email... Seriously, though- it drove me nuts how Bauer seemingly wanted people tied to their crappy steel as a price of having the easily removable steel, which was one reason why I never even considered Bauer holders when ordering my True/VH skates (mine were transitional when True had just bought VH); of course now you are stuck with the True/Step holder when ordering said skates. I always liked that I could get Step steel for CCM holders from the onset.
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