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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Eazy_b97

  1. You don't need to post that you agree.
  2. I thought Jason described it as Shanny like?
  3. I'm pretty sure it was a described as a toe, so it likely wouldn't be close to a Lidstrom which is a heel. Welcome to the site.
  4. Most places have a "standard" and there are some tools to measure. If not, you can tell by the dimple whether you are matching the last cut.
  5. I definately think each LHS has their own "feel" and it can change when different people are working. There were guys who hated me since I didn't do figure skates, and who just loved the owner. You could tell the atmosphere was different when I worked, as it was 2-4 hours every 2 weeks and the customers didn't see me often. On account of this, they would usually make sure I knew what they wanted. If the owner was in, they'd just drop and take off. I always told the customer how long I'd be and feel free to dick around in the store, get a coffee, whatever. I think every place is different and it may be a bit of an annoyance to see someone just drop'em off and jet, but I wouldn't take it as an insult and I'd definately assume it was a sharpening.
  6. The positioning is different and there is no whip back. Chances are, when you are flexing in the store, your really only seeing "Whippy" "not-whippy" "stiff" so it doesn't make a huge difference for you either. You'll see the stick flex and stop, but it still puts an alot more stress on the stick than a normal shot does because it isn't pulling through. You break it, you bought it is great, but when the kid who buys the stick after you breaks it on day 2, then waits 2 weeks for his replacement, it doesn't work out so well.
  7. Just to clarify, because I'm fairly confident a few people don't understand, the flexing you'll be doing off-ice is more stressful to the stick than the flexing you do on it since there is no follow through and you are directly exerting your weight for the sole purpose of flexing the stick. Buying on-line doesn't solve this problem (of early breakage due to flexing) since alot of them have idiots in the warehouse who do the same thing. A good LHS should be able to tell you why they don't want you flexing the stick, so if your curious, ask. If you see an employee flexing the sticks, I'd be a little worried. That said, I have a bad habit of flexing my own sticks after taping them. And its cost me a few :(
  8. ...I'm pretty sure a mens team won gold too, just not the Canadians. Aside, your right, people shouldn't judge you on gender.
  9. I never had that many problem's except there was one male figure skater who came in wearing short-shorts (we're talking 10% ass showing), a belly top, and a Marilyn Monroe pursue. Kind've put me in an awkward position as he stretched out on the bench while I was prepping his skates for him and he was getting fitted.
  10. What's the Ott Prostock like? Sakic-ish?
  11. I think Fisher has the new holder on his.
  12. http://img507.imageshack.us/my.php?image=picture132zj.jpg This is all I have. It was actually 3 years ago to the day. It's on an outside rink, and I just took the pic of the pic, so it's awful. I'll try and get some "real" pictures this week during one of my games. Details - CCM 1152's (not my "Real skates" at the time) - TPS Bionic gloves - CCM V-50 sticks (for road hockey) - Bryan Berard Leafs Jersey :)
  13. :) I had the image of your Crosby jersey in my mind as well, so thats why I suggested Baby blue.
  14. Did you custom your gloves Mich? I really like'em, but think the Baby Blue accent may have looked better than Yellow (assuming your team isn't yellow).
  15. They didn't originally release a 6K Ops (not sure if they ever did). It was used before the RBK line was available to the public. Upon public release, the 6K was the tapered shaft, and the OPS were 4K, 5K, 7K.
  16. It also goes beyond Ebay and Online (although alot are). There are a fair bit of LHS who sit you down, put you into the Bauer fit guide, and let you get whatever you want with little to no input. Most won't take into account that diffferent brands fit different sizes or even make sure the Bauer guage is right.
  17. What is the weight on it? It kind've seems like it is the same as a tapered shaft with wood blade.
  18. I'm pretty confident that's the "Hull" curve.
  19. No Carter pattern :( Why is the "Pulse" comparing itself to the '04 Stick lines? CCM and Easton have both put out models above the ones listed. Easton has the SL and Stealth, CCM has the V130 and whatever they are renaming it.
  20. Depends on the system you use to make your patterns.
  21. Although there aren't alot of new products in this TPS line-up, it does look like alot more appealing than Eastons to me. I like the addition of a 3rd tapered blade. I like the addition of Grip to all of their sticks. It seems like they made little changes, to a great product. Lets hope it turns out the way I am hoping.
  22. The 46 sounds like a Shannahan to me. The 44 sounds like my customs.
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