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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Eazy_b97

  1. You guys are crazy. Wet Hockey equipment is the WORST part of Hockey. I don't mind the feeling once I'm in there, but that wet, cold slimy feeling, egh.
  2. The hulls were/are OPS or Shafts?
  3. Yes, like added for a specific store or group. Was the Add from Easton or from a store?
  4. I'd guess they'd be an SMU because they aren't on the Site. If I had to guess I'd say they are the 700 skate with a few extra perks. You really don't need to bump after 2 hours.
  5. The handle on the intermediate is generally a little thinner in addition to being a smaller shaft height wise. I always thought TPS intermediate shafts were in the 60-65 range.
  6. From what I saw. It was primarily black with blue and green writing. Felt fairly decent considering its price (half the Synergy's original price). I didn't check out the blade, but it seemed decently balanced. Much better than the 4K that I was comparing it to, but this is just feel, weight balance, handle shape (PP) from a few quick spins and checks in the store.
  7. means they won't fit him correctly and he'll have too much room.
  8. I believe Kovy owns a pair of GW Grafs and has been looking for these CCMs for a while now. He's pretty good with differentiating non Kovalev equipment.
  9. Reviewer: 5’11, 205. Ice Hockey coach, few scrimmages. Test Blades: Pro Easton Z-Carb (Swanson) and Vic Naslund Usage: Approximately a dozen or so practices Shaft shape/Flex: 85 Flex. I've always liked the semi-rounded feel they seem to have in my hands. Stickhandling/Passes: Fairly decent, it feels very nice in my hands. The feel wasn't terrific, but didn't hinder anything either. 8/10 Weight/Balance: I couldn't even tell you the "weight" of the stick. Balance was decent with both blades, but it doesn't compare, weight and balance wise, to some of the other alternatives, mainly the Xn10 line 8/10 Shooting: Shooting was good. Nothing exceptional. I'd put it on par with the Grip lites, ULs and Tricores I've used. Good pop, but nothing to get excited over. 7/10 Durability: Cannot comment really. It didn't break for the time I had it, but I've always broken my sticks during gameplay and not playing games has made my all my sticks last alot longer. There was a severe amount of paint chipping though. Some when I bought the stick, and then again when I took the tape off (sorry PONTY) Intangibles: I'm still a little kid at heart and get excited whenever I find something new. After the novelty wore off this became a very average shaft. Conclusion: I have no complaints about the shaft, but there isn't much I can say posotive. It's a good stick, its not great, its not bad. I'd put it on par with other Companies middle of the line shafts. Ultra Lites, Tri-Cores, GripLite, 1100 and Rubbers. If you like the shaft shape and are looking for something that won't break the bank, but will perform then this is a great buy. If you want performance above all else, this just isn't for you. I give this a 7.5/10.
  10. Easton is making the Sakic for their new line of sticks The clones are: Rafalski, P92 Naslund, CCM Bonk, TPS Nash, and there may be others in other brands, but I cannot think of them right now While you search, stick to one word. The "lie" refers to the angle of the stick relative to the blade. A Higher lie means the stick is more like a 90 degree angle, the lower the the more like a straight line it is.
  11. I paid $25 cdn for the labour and rivots. I had the boot and Chassis
  12. Stopping can be difficult on blades. It seems like your willing to get out on the court for extra practice time. Just keep at it, listen to suggestions and try to watch some of the better players to see what gives them their edge.
  13. My in-line stuff that anyone might care to see. Sticks are up as well, easier to take a picture of. Nothing else really major for me, I have my Graf w/ Lightspeeds up in another topic.
  14. Look in the roller forum. There's a bit of a discussion on it.
  15. but if the stick is already balanced, then a heavier wood butt end would throw it off. I can see them selling well, especially if they come in longer lengths, say upto 8".
  16. You'll have to ask the store, I'd assume so, but I couldn't tell you. Call the number tommorow, they should be able to answer any questions you have.
  17. If you want a lighter stick SL, if you don't mind the weight of the old Synergy's then, ST.
  18. why don't you ask tell him to ask for a Modano and if they don't have those order a Forsberg? Also if your ordering in Canada from a US store expect to pay ALOT for Shipping, handling, boarder fees and other hidden taxes. I am not even sure if Easton products are aloud to be sold cross country.
  19. Could the 65 flex int sticks just be a move towards a 75 flex senior stick? Then they can sell it to the same audience, but for a few bucks extra? Seems like Bauer is moving this way and TPS has had their Whip for a while.
  20. Just found it interesting that in the "see for yourself" part about the Stealth they compare it to the V110 (CCM) and Yellow Response (TPS) as opposed to the V130 and Xn10.
  21. I believe black and Orange for BKO and Black and Grey for BKG.
  22. Is the Ultra-Lite Grip just a Grip-Lite? I like the new colour to be honest. I wonder if the Wood Synthesis blade is the reason the Si-Core is no longer available.
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