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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hello, currently I have a ccm fitlite helmet, which fits me perfectly. Now I'm looking for a new helmet and since the fitlite line is discontinued/the last remaining model not available in germany, I want to ask if there is a helmet fitting similar? I was looking at the Tacks 720, but I'm open for suggestions Thank you
  2. Went ahead and ordered a pair. Excited to try them in my new Super Tacks
  3. Thank you both. I went ahead and ordered a 7.5 to try on and it feels much better, still gracing the toecap while standing. The 7.0 might have worked after baking and some time, but I didn't want to risk being stuck with too short of a skate given the price point, so I sent it back. Pleasant surprise: I was worried size 7.5 would come with a 271 holder, because they would be too long for me (had them before and sometimes tripped over my own feet). But they came with a 263 holder, so everything went perfect.
  4. I have a quick question. I ordered a pair of Super Tacks in size 7.0. I figured it would fit lengthwise, because a size 6.5 jetspeed is the perfect length. But I touch the toecap in the Tacks while standing and still grace it when in a knee bend. So my question is, will my heel sink back about 2 to 3mm when baking or breaking in the skates? Or should I try to order a size 7.5? Thanks for the help.
  5. Awesomw, thanks, sounds like it could be a good fit. Do you happen to know if the release date for europe is the same as for north america (22.7.16)?
  6. what about the heel width? will it be also more narrow than on the 2014 tacks? i had some heel slippage in the tacks, whereas my heel is locked in the jetspeeds, but the forefoot is slightly to narrow So size 6.5 JS means size 7 in 2016 tacks?
  7. Thank you. damn, so close, my feet are 255 and 257mm, guess no savings for me
  8. What would that treshold be? If you don't mind me asking, what is the length of your feet?
  9. Any word about when the succesor of the mako skate will be presented?
  10. Any word about when the succesor of the mako skate will be presented/released?
  11. can you please describe in your ltr how the fit changed from the rbz?
  12. The image suggest that rbz and tacks will fit the same, which isn't the case. Also a bit disappointed that the jetspeed apparently will have a different fit than the rbz, was hoping for the same fit in the forefoot area and a little more contured fit in the ankle area with same (or even a little more) depth
  13. That's exactly what they did, look at the previuos page mc88 posted a paypal receipt. They charged CAD and now they suddenly charge USD You could see it that way and it may effectivley look like a discount for the canadian customer, but imo it is not, because they always paid 900CAD, nothing changed there. what they do is taking a cut in their profit margin in canada and making up for it by increasing their profit for skates sold internationally by changing them to 900USD. So basically international customers subsidize canadian customers by paying more. That means imo the international customers are indeed disadvantaged. I agree, if you change the currency, do it for all, not only for some I was really interested in buying a pair, but I'm not gonna pay more because I don't live in canada
  14. I fully understand. But, lets assume vh wouldn't export their skates and only sell them in canada. Now material prices go up. What choices do you have? Raise the price or make less/loose money. You wouldn't come to the idea for example to charge western canada a higher price to keep the price down for eastern canada. That's just ridiculous. But that's exactly what they are doing, charging international customers more to keep the price for canadien customers down. Anyway, I don't want to argue, anyone can decide for their own if they are ok with it or not. I'm not.
  15. Which means us and international buyers basically subsidize the skates of canadien buyers I agree, feels like being punished for not living in canada
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