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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. No Bueno. They are not able to honor promotions on orders that have previously shipped.
  2. I contacted them 2 days ago but they are not replying to my message. I also purchased 2 gift cards 6 days ago and still didn't receive them. It shows in my past orders they were paid but unfulfilled. Not sure if this is a system glitch or they took the whole 4th of July week off.
  3. As a complete rookie in sharpening I realized that good deburring is very important aspect of the whole process.
  4. I should have waited few days as they are running a promo code for this week for $100 off (OneYear100).
  5. Got my Sparx sharpener on Tuesday. I was testing today on my old pair of skates. Looks good to me! Great product Sparx!
  6. That is exactly why I didn't mind paying the premium for their services, but as you said, possibly caught them on a bad day. I pulled the trigger last night and impatiently waiting for the sharpener.
  7. After receiving bad and overpriced service from "No Icing", I decided to pull the trigger on the Sparx sharpener. I will be ordering in next couple of days to make sure it gets here for my birthday :-). I guess it was meant to be that way.
  8. Today I received my Sparx edge checker and was shocked how my edges were uneven. I always thought I was getting a good sharpening. Is this that bad as it looks?
  9. Any special coupons for forum members? Still on the fence about the purchase.
  10. That makes sense. Somehow I thought that the Mako boot had some kind of + pitch on its own.
  11. Question for guys who switched from Bauer to Mako and swapped the holders for TUUK LS edge. Did you swap the holders to make it feel like (to have same pitch) like Bauer? After swapping the holders, dud it really feel like Bauer? I am trying to figure out if the pitch on Mako comes only from the CXN holder/steel or does the Mako boot has some kind of pitch as well. I am in Mako with CXN holders and Step Steel so it should be around +2 pitch but would like to know if changing to TUUK edge holder would back it up a bit to approx. +1 pitch. I got somewhat used to the +2 pitch but would like to help my knees a bit as I heard that some people had knee problems from the aggressive pitch.
  12. I also have Step Steel with CXN holders and they are completely different from the stock CXN runners. The heel is almost the same but the toe is much taller making them neutral.
  13. I had problems with Mako bumps in the first generation of Mako. Currently in Mako 2 and no problems at all.
  14. Thanks for the responses/pictures. I emailed VH about the issue and will have to wait for their response. On the order form I mentioned the same instep problem with Reebok Ribcor and I also attached a lot of pictures with 2 of them having a ruler on side.
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