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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. The Machs fit 1 didn’t work. I’m a fit 3 but they are too wide. Ever since the different fit systems, skates don’t fit me anymore. A vapor still likes a vapor and a supreme still fits like a supreme or least they used to. The shadow is a gongshow of a skate
  2. I’m looking for a skate recommendation for a narrow foot with a deep in step. I currently can’t find anything on the market.
  3. Are the svh any good. How many issues?
  4. Yeah the belly pad. I removed the drawstring to put laces in
  5. have a pair of nexus pro stock pants that have the drawstring. I want to change to the hockey lace but I can’t figure out how to match up the flap holes and the lace holes. Can anyone help?
  6. I have a ccm custom plus question. Please enlighten me if possible. Is having the classic tacks shape still an option. I remember a few years back where you could get th classic 552 tack lacing pattern and facing.
  7. Is it possible to get KHL pro stock gear? is pro stock for the KHL the same as the NHL and other leagues?
  8. Since IPv6Freely closed my topic for some reason which was rude. Is it possible to order sticks in a certain spec from Bauer or a smaller manufacturer? My specs are as follows: This is what I'm trying to get Stick Hand: RH Flex Profile: Bauer g15f (vapor X:60) Flex: 82 Shaft shape: -1 round shaft, like the sherwood ek15 series curve: Close toe, Like the old pro Kovalchuk/Zherdev Blade: sharkskin blade Stick height: Tall
  9. Pure hockey still isn’t very good. They are just big. About bahr store, it always looked disgusting from the videos and pictures Stuff everywhere, very dirty and looked unorganized. I hope essan is ok, seems like he has a lot on his plate
  10. Is that available at retail these days? Not the gloves. Looking for the protective
  11. Did Bauer get rid of the nexus type of protective? The classic fit kind of stuff. I have nexus 1000 pants and nexus 8000 shins and looking for a replacement that is the same type of it. looking for the Bauer pro series type of fit
  12. They actually made it? Looks like they bought a bunch of skates and made their own graphic. Are they any good?
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