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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. they spelled "feedback" on their site as "feadback" so id be weary. haha
  2. Ha i wish i got free sticks and had the inconvenience of having to ship them home, haha
  3. Any suggestions? I dont imagine there is anything stick shaped at the UPS store.
  4. Just went to the Superfeet site. It says not to bake them, or leave them in your skates while theyre being baked.
  5. You COULD, but I wouldnt. Based on where the carbon is (and since the entire thing isnt carbon; the majority is plastic) , it seems like baking them would hinder the support. The strip of carbon is working like a beam for your arches, and if it even started to flex it would defeat its entire purpose. I also think that the entire point of these is to get your arches to work for you and transferring power to the ice. It feels awkward at first, but you adjust and so do your arches. I think if you molded them, it would effect the original pitch and may not perform as intending I imagine if you wanted the proper insole experience, see what your insurance covers and go orthopedic. Never know, some insurances cover some random stuff. Short answer, of course you can mold them, i just have no idea if itd be worth it on a $50 pair of insoles.
  6. Anyone know about any UConn, Quinnipiac, or Yale sales?
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