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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About seanfku

  • Birthday 05/29/1985


  • Skates
    Bauer supreme 170
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer nexus 1000
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM CL elbow pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM CS shoulders
  • Pants
    Reebok hp35 Blackhawks Pro Stock
  • Helmet
  • Gloves
    Bauer Nexus 1000
  • Stick
    Warrior QRL

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Ice hockey
  • Location
    Portland, Oregon
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • PSN

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  1. Can anyone comment on the weight of these sticks?
  2. Anyone have any experience with the vh holder on these skates? I've read they are extremely stiff.
  3. Never heard of these. Did you get them from Europe?
  4. I got my take in just two days. Pretty good deal for 12 bucks. Not sure I'll need 6 rolls a month but that can always change. I woukd still like to try Howie's at some point to compare to sportstape.
  5. No total hockey in Oregon for me. My local shop charges 3 dollars per roll of Renfrew -- Can't stand the strand that comes off the side. 5 rolls of sportstape for 12 out the door seems like a good deal.
  6. It's just short of 6 bucks for shipping. I reckon if you're going to buy a lot at once, dollartapeclub is probably a better bet but if you're just looking for a few rolls a month, hockey players club might be a better deal. I signed up for it just now to see how it works. I've wanted to try out sportstape because the Renfrew at my local shop is garbage.
  7. I checked that site out. Seemed pretty good until I saw that they charge for shipping.
  8. Saw this website and wondered if they were legit? Any experience with them? I'm really tired of using the refrew sold at my local shop and I noticed that they ship sportstape (which I've heard to be pretty good stuff). Any information would be nice. Thanks.
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