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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Amazinmets73

  1. Thanks! I still have a long way to go, that's for sure. Yes, I work, but I'm self-employed and set my own schedule. Trust me, my progress would be far less impressive if you knew how many hours of skating I've logged over the past 2 years. Yea, it's strange. Getting on the ice is so customary now it's hard to imagine I spent the majority of my life having no idea how to skate!
  2. Haha I live at the Richmond centre when I'm in Van. 6 CAD for 6 hours is unbeatable Thanks for video I'll check it out
  3. Update: I've been in Canada the past 5 weeks (Calgary and Vancouver) been playing a lot of drop in with skilled players but it's much more difficult to get open ice here as opposed to the east coast
  4. Thanks all. My game has been improving through practice and pick up games. I've been fortunate enough to play against relatively skilled players (the best players in our games are former college players) and acclimate myself to fast paced games. It was a little disconcerting at first, but that's always how I've preferred to learn. The way I see if you truly want to improve it's always best to start off as one of the worst players in your league and bust your ass towards being one of the best.
  5. Ziggy, the Graf 703s are also an option for narrow feet
  6. You know what's humbling? Skating a 23 second lap, then tuning into the NHL skills competition and watching goalies skate a 15 second lap
  7. Seeking consensus opinion: Assuming equal pricing, given a choice between the original Mako and Mako M8, which skate would you choose?
  8. Any improvement from previous vid? I'm using a wood stick here and am unsure of the flex. Earlier in today's session I shot with an 100 flex composite stick and was able to elevate the puck with ease. I made the mistake of purchasing intermediate sticks out of frustration when shortly after I began shooting thinking that lack of strength was the reason I couldn't elevate the puck, but as I've demonstrated here I'm strong enough to use stiff sticks; it all boiled down to technique.
  9. I use the Easton e300 bag. Yea it's barebones (cloth, no separate compartments), but for 25 bucks no complaints.
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