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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Jamarquan

  1. I always imagine it as gender segregated. And yes, yes it is.
  2. It's electronic stuff. But again, I don't really know.
  3. It seems like similar reasoning to why high school kids smoke in the bathrooms. They're good enough to never get caught, and it's an agreed upon place to get high. It's also why all the bathrooms at my school are unusable, you can't go in them without someone offering you drugs or smoking. The buses are worse. I should also mention that I do not partake at all, nor have I ever. "or dudes"? I'm not trying to be homophobic, but unless the two or more dudes in question are well acquainted, seems really uncomfortable.
  4. That is just really disgusting.
  5. I had to literally waddle all day. Remember to stretch everybody.
  6. Had a real father - son moment at 7am: watching Dave Chappelle's Killing them Softly with the volume up way too high. The limo / ghetto bit was fantastic.
  7. May have been scrambling for the "delete account" button.
  8. Welp. You certainly would know more than I do.
  9. I'm going to preface this with a preemptive apology if you know what AP is and the whole post was patronizing you accidentally. AP is a college level class taken in high school, which I'll be doing as a sophmore next year in both Language / Composition and US History, because my school bundles them together. The AP exam is a college level exam on the subject graded on a (worst) 1-5 (best) scale based on multiple parts and apparently a curve most of the time.
  10. "Dear AP U.S. Candidate: Congratulations! Your score on the AP U.S. screening test allows you to register for the AP United States History course for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year." Woo
  11. At least he's playing, I miss being on ice. Been off since the first week of November.
  12. Flew JetBlue recently. Can confirm.
  13. A "typical laptop" can actually cost the same as a Chromebook, with the benefits of Windows 10 and access to the Google suite. The fact that it's wifi only drives me insane, especially as it has trouble working with the router when nothing else does. My school does make everything on the Google platform, and by everything I mean Google Drive. I understand the concept, I just don't like it. https://www.amazon.com/Chromebook-C300SA-Compact-Intel-Celeron/dp/B01MG696PV/ref=dp_ob_title_ce https://www.amazon.com/Lightweight-11-6-inch-Quad-Core-Microsoft-Subscription/dp/B01LT692RK/ref=dp_ob_title_ce
  14. You guys didn't have to deal with my shit for a whole week.
  15. He can get these lovely new gloves JR just posted! https://warriorhockey.com/2017/02/09/2017-alpha-qx-glove-goals/
  16. Oh. Mine are 4 roll but are a size too big - 13'' and not 12'', so I'm used to the opposite of what you tried. He bought 12'' and thought they were 14''? Hope he can return them.
  17. If they're 4 roll gloves, then it's OK.
  18. Didn't freeze over well enough - still had school. No ponds for me to worry about though. I don't care about next week - won't be around the snow.
  19. Snow's supposed to freeze over tonight where I am.
  20. Lots of snow coming tomorrow. No school. And new lax stuff should be coming in a few weeks (our team captains ordered custom gloves). Today's all good.
  21. Oh. I don't actually know if there's a Dairy Queen near me so that's why I didn't know what it was. Sounds ok.
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