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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Jamarquan

  1. What a game. The Falcons tried / choked, they really did. (Bills fan in New England. Tomorrow will be awful.)
  2. Chromebooks. Who thought they were a good idea? At least I didn't pay for it.
  3. Don't try that either. It's right below Code Kermit on the Islanders Fan Drama Advisory Alert System.
  4. I'm at that age where I don't have to deal with it at the rink, but school is way different.
  5. Nice Jofa on the right. Myself, just got home from a Sound Tigers game. Hokey name, but fun and cheap. Weird seeing Halak as an AHLer, but he got the W.
  6. I used an old Jofa (the Selanne type, I believe) when I started playing. It's in the garage somewhere, I think.
  7. Yes. Goes without saying. I'm not proud of or happy with my grades, but I think kids around here are pushed a little too much to overachieve.
  8. I never listen to the teacher in math either. Not as a disrespect thing, but she's often corrected by 15 year olds. Does not inspire confidence and gives me a chance to do the work. Honestly, I do like English, but even for the highest level class for my grade the subject matter feels boring, and the teacher doesn't help. I do too, or just procrastinate too much.
  9. I've been complaining in The Venting Spot about midterms. Got an A on one. Five to go.
  10. No homework for me either. Not even that I don't bother to, I just forget way too easily. Granted, some kids' parents have stupid expectations. A friend of mine's parents want him to drop out of Harvard after sophmore year, start a business, and retire at or before 40. It's just insane.
  11. People in my school complaining that having a 3.5 GPA is trash, meanwhile I sit about a point below that. I would possibly kill someone for a 3.5. Also, midterms are hard. I feel very shitty though that my biggest problems are from high school meanwhile other people are having surprise surgery, lost loved ones, etc.
  12. Doesn't end well either way. In any case, don't do what I did and threaten to fight my friend's entire team at a tournament they got DQ'd from.
  13. I find things to complain about. Mostly they're minor and my fault (the helmet doesn't match my team colors anymore, but who cares, and my gloves and shinpads are spongy, but I rarely wash / dry my gear.)
  14. Oh. That's unfortunate. What happened?
  15. Oh. That's unfortunate. What happened?
  16. Helmet: Bauer I.M.S. 7.0 - Works well, but colors don't match team anymore. Shoulders: CCM QLT 270. A little too big, but very protective and light. Elbows: Reebok 12K / Bauer Vapor X700 - Reeboks are light and fit, Bauers hurt like hell if I move my arm upwards. Gloves: Easton Pro 7 - Got a size too big. They're still too big, but flexible. However, they don't dry well, but that may be that I don't often dry my gear. Pants: Mission Pure LS1 - They don't really fit and haven't for the 5 seasons I've had them since I started playing, but they're pants, and I use a shell anyway. Shins: Bauer Supreme 150 - Awful. They're sponges that you can't wring out. Will be replacing as soon as I find a new team. Skates: CCM Vector Plus - The 5092's with very breakable laces, SB Black runners, and nothing else good. Hurt my arches like hell when I turn. Will be going the way of the shin guards. Sticks: Warrior Dynasty HD5 (55 / W03) - Too stiff, too tall, don't like the curve. CCM RibCor 26K (60 / P46) - Too stiff, too tall, but the curve is nice. Bauer Supreme TotalOne NXG (47 / PM9) - Good height, good flex, curve has its issues. Bauer Nexus 4000 (47 / P88) - My 17$ solution for the NXG. Have yet to try. Bag: Mylec Street bag - I've had it for 5 years, it's got holes and is too small, but it's a bag.
  17. Did you get it? UPS is normally pretty good with my packages, but that's in a town of 60K less than an hour out of NYC.
  18. Well, Rogue One had some very well done CGI for Leia and Tarkin. Not saying they can get away with CGI and a voice actor for Episode IX, but maybe.
  19. Yeah, only a little.
  20. The P46 stick I have is about 5 inches too big, but the curve is great and I wouldn't mind seeing a P46 coming to retail from Base considering CCM is scrapping it.
  21. Nice. I can only dream about stuff like that, a 2092 is splurging for me. Where did you get custom from?
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