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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by devilsrule711

  1. also check out jagrs illegal stick again in that pic lol its just too much and soo easy
  2. Fuels and one90s sadly havent hit the market yet <_<
  3. i must have your green and white eagles soooooo nice
  4. that was like me the guy said i needed a bigger helmet and my dad didtn believe him so i ended up playing three years with a size large helmet and i was like 11 at the time
  5. looks like no its the guy with the easton pro gloves in the center
  6. yeah really those are sick! its ok bout the pink tape last year my entire team had it i dont know what we were thinking
  7. i think darkstar50's has that but like a valet card one goes with the skate and the other half stays with you
  8. so all they did was track down the person? not even do something to make up for ungodly mistake? like a discount or something?
  9. dude those are so sweet especially the pic on the tendopn guard
  10. its just marketing they dont really make them i think just for the pros thax guys
  11. i know i like the green goes with the HS jerseys and i hate the orange red 06 ST grip its fugly
  12. so youre the guy on his a$$ floppin like a fish jk silly
  13. damn im lovin the blue but i want the grip too o well more kelly green ST grips for me!
  14. uncool both of you squirrel thats the non grip right? i want both
  15. thanks, got a lil paint on the steel up high you cant tell but there are some imperfections all around, but you cant see so it dont matter!
  16. no i just taped off the outsole and put a plastic bag over the boot and taped that on and put tape over the steel so only the holder should should be showin, i guess it would be easier if you took the holder off and took the steel out mine had a bunch of puck marks on them and had skates cut into 'em but the paint covered it all up
  17. Update: guess what's different
  18. yeah they do and they ask you if you want themdone now or later
  19. nice Grafs are those SE?
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