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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by kovalchuk71

  1. They are standard in Europe.
  2. I dont have many right now -2 Adrenaline, One90 Shaft, XXX lite broken OPS shaft. Thats it.
  3. According to the Kindergarten Cop, it is spelled with a "C" ;)
  4. More stuff is on the way. ;) If you want to make sure you have a chance to be selected, make sure your state/province is named in your profile. We want to make sure that we cover all areas and some smaller manufacturers want to support the areas where they have the largest numbers of dealers. Wouldn't it be a good idea to get product to places where manufacturers have little dealer representation? Couldn't that possibly help build a rep in the areas and lead to more representation? Just my $.02
  5. Just picked up a One90 shaft with an AK27 Draper blade.
  6. Thanks Keith. Yea, I bought a few new ones and replaced some of the old ones, and I got a few in, but there was a lot of language involved. The threading is SO annoying. That's what made it so difficult. Why cant the threads work with no problems? Nah, that's to easy. ;)
  7. Its a great way to see how product "works" for the everyday hockey player regardless of skill level.
  8. Sounds like a great program. Kudos to whomever came up with it.
  9. Not bad. They were being a pain in the butt today. Took me 2 hours just to replace the ones that fell off of the back
  10. Very nice looking setup. Very Clean looking setup. The pic is a little big ;)
  11. Didnt even notice that. Good call.
  12. Looks like he changed the holder completly.
  13. Sweet holders and laces. Glad to see the blue gone.
  14. Picked up some TPS Adrenaline Controls on closeout. RH Whip Nash.
  15. Cut the wood shaft and used the blade part?
  16. Is it PP or does he use an extremely small stick?
  17. Stop being Jealous. I dont think David or anyone else cares that is wasnt his draft year. Im pretty sure any hockey player would be glad they got drafted into the show. Its a dream for most players
  18. Are they testing the current sprung frame, or a different, goalie-specific one? I thought I heard some durability issues (puck its an arm, which breaks) which would be a bigger concern for goalies. Thicker ones, or different material maybe? They are the same frame as the player frame. The new model has been vastly reinforced, structurally. The thing is hard as a rock.
  19. Ok, I assumed thats what you meant, because I have NEVER seen a 6 wheeled chassis
  20. Nice looking skates Swede.
  21. What was wrong with the bimmer? Thats a pretty big downgrade.
  22. Nice hatchback, perfect for hockey gear. Enjoy!
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