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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Oilers97

  1. I wear 7.5 EE nexus. I have literal duck feet. Narrow heels massive forefoot. I had them stretched3 times and punched 3 times. It’s helped somewhat. Definitely didn’t hurt I have no other choice outside of customs and really don’t know if it’s worth it.
  2. Cool. I’ve never used an Easton with the taper. What’s the big difference with it? i should mention I have a 1x
  3. Thanks. I wasn’t sure if it was like the ADV sort of thing. Wonder if that tech is in the flylite
  4. I’m shocked I’ve seen nothing on any channel. No leaks. It’s just on their site now haha. Not sure if I’ll pick it up. I’d like to try one on though. Reminds me of the reakt 95 inside
  5. So the flylite is the top of the line vapour this year. Not the 2X Pro? Or are they separate sticks.
  6. I was just cruising through warriors website and this helmet came up https://www.warrior.com/RSPH9-M.html?dwvar_RSPH9-M_color=Black#color=Black i haven’t heard a thing about it. I have the PX+ and like it. Was wondering if it’s closer to the alpha. I prefer the VN liners but actually tried my friends alpha and it was so comfy.
  7. I’ve seen some photos of it and the new AS2 stock floating around on instagram. Don’t know how legitimate they are though. That’s definitely a new stick. I’m shocked they just released the 3D
  8. Yeah I have superfeet soles. Yeah I had no idea how bad it was until last game with all the inserts and socks. I felt in control. My feet didn’t feel foreign and clunky.
  9. One of the best hockey purchases I’ve made. I have horrific skate and feet issues. Narrow heel and huge wide foot. These and powerfoot inserts have helped so much. I have control and don’t have heel lift anymore.
  10. Wonder why the KHL is debuting all the new gear first.
  11. https://imgur.com/gallery/0lsun6O photo from khl IG. Bauer 2S gloves and 2X stick. Maybe flylite.
  12. Burns wearing a Tacks/resistance in practice. Does he always do that? 3rd photo in.
  13. Sorry for the Instagram link. Bauer 2S Pro gloves https://www.instagram.com/p/BvE15v3luGf/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1cfzfg2fycj9
  14. I thought it was extremely odd. It fits great. I never get pressure headaches like my IMS9.0 in it. I’ve been hit hard more than once in it and it’s never popped off or fallen off. It was extremely weird. Strap and all boom it was off. It was not on loose. I always put it on the large mode then tighten it down.
  15. Okay. It’s more I was worried about the EPP foam under the VN foam. I don’t want to rip it off too look obviously. It seems ok but I hit so hard the visor popped off the clips so that’s my concern it was t just a stick or even a puck. But I may take it to my lhs to see if they think it’s ok
  16. I posted this to Reddit and was wanting some more opinions before I use it again: Hi there. So I have a Warrior PX+ probably about a year and a half old. I was skating on the ODR (yeah I know I wear a helmet playing outside). I was skating hard backwards and hit a rut and landed on it and it bounced off the ice, popped off and the visor I had came Unclipped. I was fine and the helmet looks fine but I’ve been hearing if it’s gets hit hard (it popped right off I hit so hard) I should toss it. I looked at it all over and there isn’t any damage that I can see. Most of the padding is glued on and I don’t want to rip it off. Is there a way to tell or is it only if it’s obvious damage? Should I get it looked at at my LHS? I have 2 other helmets I don’t like as much. Thanks.
  17. https://imgur.com/gallery/oWztmfu i was at my local shop and found a pair of Warrior Franchise 13N. I haven’t had a pair of these for years!!! I mean 2008 they were first released and I think I got them around that time but wore them out. Never thought I’d get another pair for under 200. I have qrls and Im not big on them. So I was thrilled to find these
  18. Yeah, I thought it was only for marketing to be honest.
  19. McDavid using FT1s against flyers. Maybe he’s done with his HG50s? https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/carter-hart-of-the-philadelphia-flyers-makes-a-pad-save-news-photo/1093123358
  20. Interesting. I haven’t heard a thing about it yet. Thanks for the info.
  21. Wilson wearing a different Bauer helmet. He used to use a reakt. This looks different. Maybe reakt 200? Don’t think honk it’s gonna help if it flies off again
  22. Updated gear: helmets: warrior PX+, CCM V08 Facial: bauer pro visor shoulder: CCM Quicklite Elbows: Bauer S170 Gloves: CCM Ultra Tacks (Black), Warrior QRL (Red, Black and White) pants: CCM Super Tacks shin pads: Warrior Alpha QXPro skates: Bauer Nexus 1N sticks: warrior alpha AK27 graphic, W28 75flex CCM Ribcore Reckoner, P29, 65flex Warrior Super Dolomite graphic W03, 70 flex warrior Alpha QX W03 70 flex warrior Bentley (old stick I found) W03 70 flex
  23. Updated gear: helmets: Warrior PX+ with cage, Bauer IMS9.0 with Bauer HDO Straight, CM V08 with Bauer visor shoulder pads: CCM Quicklite elbow pads: Bauer S170 gloves: CCM Ultra Tacks Warrior Covert QRL Warrior Franchise pants: CCM Super Tacks shins: Warrior Alpha QX pro skates: Bauer 1N 7.5EE sticks: STX Surgeon RX2 x92, 75 flex Warrior Alpha AK27SL w28, 75 flex Warrior Super Dolomite W03, 70 flex CCM Ribcore Reckoner, P29, 60 flex Warrior Alpha QX, W03, 70 flex CCM FT1, P28, 75 Flex Warrior Bentley, W03, 70 flex Bauer 1X 2016 P92 67 flex
  24. Love mine. I felt it had great feel with the puck and was good for slapshots.
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