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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ParabolicActivity

  1. There was a discussion on another site a few months back where someone was talking about the astounding asking price of getting one of those guys to mention a new sock they were producing. I am sure STX can pay it and I am equally sure it will pay off. The thing is that they sold a lot of RX2 sticks by people just picking them up in the store. There's now I got my first one. I picked it up and went 'oh wow'. The new pricing helps quite a bit but we all know hockey players are weird about new stuff. So they will want in depth videos. As an aside, does anyone know if the PureGrip shaft has ever been used in the NHL? I have watched several different rounds of clips of guys with RX2s and all the NHL guys seem to be using normal dimensions.
  2. Yeah. They're going to need to find reputable folks to give sticks out to for the sake of videos. I know Coach Jeremy and Pavel Barber charge like a trillion dollars just to mention a product but I am sure it pays off.
  3. Well, there are sure to be a ton of questions about that. So yes, please, details!
  4. X9. X9 X9 X9. Where is it? That's literally the most important question.
  5. Even their low end stuff if pretty good. I use my RX2.2 when things get chippy at drop in and it's a totally decent stick. I got it for $100. If the cheaper 3.2 is the same quality, that is a massive steal.
  6. https://www.stx.com/hockey/gear/surgeon Looks very nice.
  7. $5 says your skating improves if you adjust your style to fit the lie 5 instead of going on an expensive search for the right stick in a higher lie. Im not trying to be a jerk. I went on the expensive search first......
  8. Oh man. Prepare for the anti-True crowd to bombard you for drinking to kool-aid.
  9. He's kind of politely telling you its obvious you're ruining a thread for whatever gratification it is you get from making comments that rile people up.
  10. Is there an option anywhere for a shallow mid curve? Like. PM9 but with the depth more in the middle of the blade? I would be very interested in that.
  11. I was skipping the 5th eyelet and then using the 3rd and 4th laces to do a "lace lock" or "heel lock". I forget what its called. For a while I was also skipping the 7th eyelet. But I yesterday I just did a standard lace up. I waited until my feet got to hurting bad and then backed off the tightnesss and they felt perfect
  12. I had a similar issue I'm my 68ks. My solution was a combination of goofing around with how I tie my skate and also re-tying my skates after I have had them on for 5-10 minutes. I'm not sure why but tying too tight and then backing off later seems to work for me.
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