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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Mission S500
  • Hockey Bag
    Itech 1500
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa 9090
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa 6500
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sher-Wood 5030
  • Pants
    Sher-Wood Pro (rebranded CCM Pro-Tack)
  • Helmet
    CCM HT500
  • Gloves
    Eagle CP94, TPS HGT
  • Stick
    Inno 1100/Warrior Dolomite, Inno Novius, SWD RM19, Mission pro stock comp blades

Profile Information

  • Interests
    fudge, brownies, fudge brownies, revolution
  • Location
    Minneapolis, MN
  • Gender

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  1. The 9800 was Air like the 9500 (at least the model year I had), but with a thinner black Pittards Quartz palm. The cuff was different, too, and the big downfall of the glove - a neoprene/velcro nightmare.
  2. So YOU got the Chimera Sherwood from Ponty! I had the only bid on that.
  3. No offense, Allsmoke, but this looks like a picture from a blind hockey league. Is there a beeping puck somewhere?
  4. Well, it is a 10-7, but Biogirth.
  5. I retired those gloves twenty years ago, just haven't ever been able to throw them away. They remind me of Gordie Howe. The CXS is a great shaft, my first and last aluminum. It may be for sale soon, as baby needs a new pair of shoes. Literally.
  6. ]some sticks & shafts ]skates ]other crap ]old school ]smell the glove ]ouch
  7. Kenosha, WI it should be condemned The whole town? I agree. Is the old State Fair Park (in West Allis) arena still in use? That was my home rink in high school, but was showing its age twenty years ago (pre-Pettit Center).
  8. I turned 100,000 miles on my '98 Subaru Outback on the way to work this morning. I just need another 100,000 out of it and then I can start to think about how to afford another car.
  9. Helmet: CCM HT500 w/ Bauer unfinished steel cage (5000?) Shoulder Pads: Sher-Wood 5030 - light, minimal, all I need Elbow Pads: Jofa 6500 - very protective, but not too bulky, stay in place Gloves: Louisville TPS HGT - very light, comfy, good looking. My favorite gloves. I sold my Eagle CP96 and bought 2 pair of these. Also, Easton Z-Air (pro return, Van Impe) - Nice Pants: Bauer 5000 (pro return, Kings) - Heavy, but protective and fit well Shin Pads: Jofa 9090 - Very protective, and I don't find them too bulky at all. After knee injuries, these are the way to go. Just replaced my beloved old D&R Centurions Skates: Mission S500 - recent aquisition, but I love them so far (I'd like to put the new clear LS Power on them, though), my Amp Flys w/Tuuk+ are now outdoor skates Sticks: Inno True 1 260 flex Kovalev - love it Inno Novius Grip OPS 260 flex Kovalev - love it Inno Novius Grip Tapered 260 flex w/Kovalev blade - love it Mission M-1 Grip 95 flex Zhamnov (looks like a Leopold or McCauley) - nice feel, hard shooter, although my slapshot tends to fly 5 ft over the net Inno 1100 Polarfiber standard w/ Easton UL Z-Tac Lidstrom blade - workhorse, now a backup & outdoor stick Hespeler 9010 standard w/ Sher-Wood 950 Chelios blade - my first composite, now gathers dust Sher-Wood 5030 Chelios - my last woodie, hangs on the basement wall
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