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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by pat19

  1. some placebo is good, some sucks. pure morning is a sick song. listen to some scratch acid, g. love, mudhoney, pixies, sonic youth, butthole surfers, and jim jones.
  2. I don't know what the weave on the vector looks like but the reebok's weave looks different from my stealth. I got the stick from the same guy you did, i noticed your screenname on the feedback. it's my LHS and they just sell pro stock stuff on ebay.
  3. i dont know about that, some rinks are pretty cool.
  4. springfield jr pics
  5. all of my stuff is in my teams locker room right now but i have a couple of pictures... this pic is whbd18's helmet photoshopped by him but it's the same as what i have. these are gloves that i got from my team. and these are my skates. this is all i have for now i'll try to get more, better pics another time but i don't have anything special.
  6. nice, thanks alot man.
  7. yeah, could you? thanks.
  8. does anyone have a red rbk helmet with a white jofa 480 cage? i just wanna see how that would look.
  9. that tongue's sick, did you do that yourself?
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