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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by pat19

  1. nice fucking cars lol, i don't know anything about insurance but $120 a week seems pretty cheap for an m3 and 2 ferraris. i think remember seeing a pic of your dad's M or something, do you have any other pictures that you could post?
  2. my insurance was $2000 without collision, would have been another $1000 with it.
  3. nice stuff edge, looks good, i like the uniforms too.
  4. why would you wear a mirrored visor as a ref? i'm surprised they allow that.
  5. new R8 lites... i love 'em.
  6. i love the red and white those gloves are sick.. nice skates too. do you play for cornell?
  7. wouldn't they say the player's name and not rangers though?
  8. the NHL awards are on at 4:30 then the "draft special" is on at 6:30 then the draft at 7. good luck david
  9. marker would probably turn purple, i think there was a topic or two about blacking out/painting gloves, try searching.
  10. its smead in springfield but all FMC arenas are pretty similar so Pilgrim is probably run by FMC.
  11. small and terrible quality but here's a couple from my spring league
  12. yeah the tongue looks long. did you order a size big? the tongues on my one90s are so short.
  13. sick car hip_check i love land rovers.
  14. They're real good, I hate nico's voice though, I can't listen to any of the songs with her singing.
  15. arcade fire is pretty good, i don't really like alot of their new cd "neon bible" too much though, a couple songs are alright.
  16. can anyone suggest a good first car that's fun to drive and will work good for around 4-5 thousand maybe.. i was looking at maybe a high milage mid-late 90s audi a4 but i don't know if that's a good idea. i was also looking at something like this. I'm not getting a car until august anyways, I'm just trying to get an idea of what to get.
  17. real bad cell pics but whatever new 30s blacked out XX shaft new lid
  18. what did you use to do that, I have a red RBK and I'd rather have red or black inserts than grey.
  19. Modest Mouse isn't unknown or anything but they're real good.
  20. I'm liking the stealth shell with the zippers.
  21. nice stick, it looks way better with the spraypaint.. what kind did you use.
  22. thats sick... does spraypaint fuck up your gloves though?
  23. those skates are real nice but i think they'd look so sick if you dyed the holders black.
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