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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. Make sure you watermark it!
  2. ^^ Nice jerseys. What's the team name?
  3. What brilliant Engineer made THAT decision?
  4. REMINDER: Please stop needlessly quoting pictures...especially large/multiple ones. Thanks.
  5. Make sure he stays in #57 before you do. With #27 & #39 both available...I wonder if he'll switch. Obviously he wouldn't do it mid year...but some guys switch out of their "rookie number" when they crack the lineup full time (which I'm sure he will next year).
  6. Looks like a putter...or is the angle of the picture somehow distorting the lie.
  7. Caracas....almost as fun to say...and REALLLLY cheap gas.
  8. All right guys knock it off. His comment about not feeling bad about gas prices had more to do with what the rest of the World pays (compared to the US), not about how much money he has. We've got people from all different financial classes on MSH. How much money a member has is no one else's business. Keep mentioning it and warnings follow.
  9. ^^ Gas in mine (Ford Ranger) is getting pretty crazy. You boys with BIG trucks must be having fun with these gas prices.
  10. Black Cuff...not sure if that is white or gold around the "Warrior" but if you can make it Gold, it would look really good.
  11. Most if it is done in Caldwell. My grandmother loved passing by the houses that were in the Sopranos. Actually, one man just put up his house that was in it, and expects MORE money for his house just because it was in the Sopranos. He'll probably get it too.
  12. Gooch.: Those houses around you look an awful lot like the neighbourhood the Sopranos lived in...HBO do any any shooting (a-hem, cameras) done in your neck of the woods?
  13. Is that the finished piece...or script first...something else to follow? Looks good though.
  14. ^^ Did you guys have Playmobil in the States...? Those things make me think of Playmobil cars...
  15. PJ's not too bad when you have him on a planel discussing the game, but give him a script and highlights he's AWFUL!
  16. Very cool. But it seems like an odd choice for playoff commentary. Nothing against David personally, but a 19 year old coming off his first (non-playoff) year in the League? I get Recchi doing it. A veteran with 2 Cups and lots of playoff experience. I guess RDS is just helping to promote the homegrown talent.
  17. Feel free to repost pics in The "Show it Off" Thread. Pictures was never the intent of this thread.
  18. There is either some big cash being made by some MSH'ers or some big debt *L* Lots of nice rides.
  19. David seems to have the right attitude going into the off season. Train hard and be ready for a Super Sophomore season.
  20. Realistically, David might be in for the hardest working Summer of his life. I'm sure St. Louis will eave him with lots to work on. Strength training...other off ice stuff. Any word on if he'll be invited to play for Team Canada at the Worlds? With Hitchcock coaching? He might be the only coach worse than Murray when it comes to "developing" young talent. Even Hitch likes guys who can score....are the Worlds really that much about developing talent or winning for your country?
  21. Realistically, David might be in for the hardest working Summer of his life. I'm sure St. Louis will eave him with lots to work on. Strength training...other off ice stuff. Any word on if he'll be invited to play for Team Canada at the Worlds?
  22. I ain't seen me a wood bat around these here parts since I could hide in the corn fields standing up. (if you don't read that in a real old prospector/cowboy voice it doesn't make any sense) To answer the question. Comps all the way around here.
  23. We played in a league that only had 1 park (or the 3 that we used) that had a fence. The rule at that park was the first one over would count...everything after that was a single. We didn't have anyone that could clear that fence, and I think there were only 2 or 3 in the entire league that year.
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