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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RadioGaGa

  1. No need to rush him into the NHL. If he has an "off the chain" (to borrow a phrase) camp, then maybe...but a year in Jr. where he already has a year under his belt and can really roll is a good thing. Be the older guy on the team...learn some more leadership skills. Even if he ends up splitting time between the "A" and the Blues next year isn't a bad thing. He probably needs a little more upper body strength to compete at the NHL level, so another year in the "Q" should him time to develop that as well. Be a man among boys for a year, instead of a boy among men.
  2. There's something not right about that picture...Wait, I got it...those jerseys...they look...like, like....HOCKEY JERSEYS!!!!! Holy shit! How dare they, make a new hockey jersey that looks like a classic hockey jersey! /rant //sarcasm ///slashies! btw...I want one!
  3. So, has he picked out his Lexus SUV yet? That seems to be the vehicle of choice for many NHLer's.
  4. I don't speak very good french, but is that 3 years/$850,000 per?
  5. As if anyone here hasn't seen this yet... Enjoy!
  6. I think for the hockey side, they should change it to: "We Must Protect This Ice" The look on his face is pretty good..."Dude, I'm in my underwear...don't put this online" *L*
  7. Welll, David is the first MSH'er to get drafted...and now he's the first MSH'er to have a "HON" to his credit. Congrats.
  8. Maybe Sutter doesn't like flashy skates anymore than Andy Murray? *L*
  9. Like '72 all over again. They should turn the ringers off of the phones...assuming this "dump" has phones in the rooms. In '72 the players didn't have cells & pagers. They really don't need to rely on room phones anymore.
  10. Good read... He may not have put up the total points that Turris/Tavares did, but I bet they'll get lots of tap ins off great chances made solely off of David's creativity and pure ability. I hope he puts on the skill display he did at Mem this year. This is going to be a hellofa line. I'm on vaca this week too...so I'll actually be able to see some of the games.
  11. I put 120 pounds in my truck, and tried to stay above half a tank of gas at all times for the winter. The extra weight Shot my gas mileage all to hell...but I stayed on the road. My GF lived out in a Rural area...so in town, I was okay for the most part...but country roads with big drifts were a BITCH! She's in the city now...so I'm anticipating a pretty easy go this year. When it got really icy, sometimes I'd have a hard time getting out of my parking lot....between 2 cars, I'd start to slide and be worried about hitting the car on either side. I started keeping a shovel in the truck, and as long as I could get the ice/snow cleared out from around my tires, I was pretty good to go. The biggest problem for winter driving is stupid people. Just slow the F' down and we'll all be okay.
  12. I thought if you were 19 at the start of the season you could play AHL. It was the kids who were 18 at the start of the season, but turning 19 during... that had to go back to Jr. Thanks for the correction. There have been exceptions in the past for example Spezza but that was because he played 4 years of major junior which generally doesn't happen unless you'd be 20. Also Staal and Horton were given permission to play in the AHL as 19 year olds during the lockout season since they'd played in the NHL the year before. Maybe that is what I was thinking. I knew I'd heard of 19's in the A.
  13. I'm pretty sure RDS is carrying some (if not all) of those games. Not sure if there is an English carrier. Looking forward to seeing some of it.
  14. I thought if you were 19 at the start of the season you could play AHL. It was the kids who were 18 at the start of the season, but turning 19 during... that had to go back to Jr. Thanks for the correction.
  15. Would he be playing in the AHL if he did not make the blues or would he play for lewiston again? He's 19 if I'm not mistaken...so he'd be AHL eligible.
  16. Still wishing David all the best to make the NHL this year, but in case he doesn't...the AHL Sched was released today and I've got Jan 15th circled on the calendar - Peoria's 1 and only stop in Hamilton this year.
  17. No, there's a difference in the spoken language but in written most of the time it's a neutral french like in this article (there's no slang what so ever). The translator just doesn't respect the word orders and grammar and that's why it turns out bad, regardless of France or Québec. Ah, I see.
  18. Yeah but isn't Parisian French and Quebec French different? Most of those online ones use France French....so some of the phrases don't turn well into English.
  19. UPDATE: Skates: RBK 9K Pump (White)
  20. They aren't blacked out, that's how they arrived. That's all I get...eh?!?!? Publicly, yes. ;) The Mod-Gearwhore is a totally different creature than the normal gearwhore.
  21. They aren't blacked out, that's how they arrived. That's all I get...eh?!?!?
  22. You don't see many of those Salming sticks around...I have one too. But, with some of my recent stick purchases, it is far from a main stick these days. Very, very light. what are the blacked out one between the Synergy and the Salming?
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