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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Scurvy

  1. It's a traditional square shape, I think the CX will feel more rounded.
  2. Post Xmas update Helmet - Easton S19 w/ Itech X100 Shoulder - NB One90 Elbow - Rbk 9k Glove - NB Vapor XXXX Pro Pant - NB Vapor XXXX Shin - Bauer One95 Skate - Bauer TotalOne Stick - Bauer X60
  3. I think that what you're trying to get at is why companies are not offering the newer technologies at significantly lower price-points. They will, but in a couple of years time. Look at the One80 skate for example, it is essentially a down-graded One90 that will be available for almost half the price of One90's.
  4. New addition: X60 OPS Backstrom :)
  5. Thanks for the confirmation. I assumed it was an X60 just because the weave was not tight like a regular One95.
  6. Monty - Let us know how the Staal One95 (X60) performs.
  7. toe to heel is the way to go! I've always gone toe to heel I can't believe that nobody has mentioned that the stick is 77 flex.
  8. I recently added some One95 elbows and XXXX pants.
  9. They were discussing the stick, not the skates.
  10. I finally got around to trying out the FBV. The Hockey Shop did my skates at 100/50 and I regularly skate on a 1/2 inch hollow. The glide of the FBV is noticeable but not extremely significant IMO. To articulate it more clearly, the glide felt very similar to a regular 5/8 hollow but definitely not as much as a 1" hollow. During my skate, I felt that I had adequate grip on inside edges but not enough for my outside edges. Overall, I just feel more comfortable with my regular hollow and would prefer to stick with it than converting over to FBV.
  11. That looks pretty bad.
  12. Same as the Robitaille, 1/2" mid curve that is slightly open.
  13. Good point! I suppose the XXV is about $400 and XXXX is $800 up there, or some big gap like that? XXXX is 649.99. The XXV is in that $350-$400 area. he means in Canada I know, XXXX's aren't $800 in Canada.
  14. Good point! I suppose the XXV is about $400 and XXXX is $800 up there, or some big gap like that? XXXX is 649.99. The XXV is in that $350-$400 area.
  15. Just added: Int. Vapor XXXX Malkin
  16. Havok19, are you ever going to post pics of your finished White S15's? Where have you been? http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...p;hl=custom+s15
  17. Just added: NB Supreme One95 Skates. I can't wait to use them. :)
  18. The pencil test? Here: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...hl=pencil+testh
  19. The non-grip SE shaft (Synergy 2) comes in a Sr. 70 flex option.
  20. Will do. I'll PM you Sunday after some use.
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