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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Rustpot

  1. So it's free to Gold members? I can dig that. They need some new maps, it seems everyone has maps they hate. God damn Underpass
  2. I'm in a similar boat. We decided to make a feast of chili dogs. This became chili cheese dogs. The final count was 3 angus beef dogs, and 2 jalapeno cheddar wieners, all topped with generous amounts of chili, melted cheese, onions, and chili-cheese Fritos. Served with beer, followed by a glass of scotch and more beer. I'm glad the shooting range has active ventilation or tomorrow's victims may turn the guns against me. And yes, the smell makes me gag and my nostrils burn slightly despite them being mostly blocked up to the sinuses.
  3. What a terrible book. I think I've had to read about 6 books in the same vein in the last 10 years. Well I shouldn't say the book was terrible, I just have a bad taste from having it forced down my throat by 2 different high school teachers.
  4. Next time you guys are on xbox doing that send me an invite if I'm online. -Rustpot
  5. But it's not going to be Infinity Ward, correct? Much like World at War was not and sucked terribly.
  6. Don't be hatin'! I love doing that every once in a while. It's a hoot to rack up a 10-1 score using nothing but the USP with a tactical knife, Marathon, Lightweight and Commando. It's very easy to guard against, especially since I mostly do it in hard core where the USP is a 1 or 2 shot kill.
  7. Agreed. A lot of them take up too much space and the front post is too hard to pick up. The guns without sight guards that tend to be more open on the top are a lot easier to use. It does get easier once you've been using them for a while, and things like the faster ADS on Commando Pro help so you don't need to leave the sights up. And SCREW SPEC OPS. I need somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 stars to finish it up. All 9 in Echo and maybe 3-4 more.
  8. I live a little inland of Lake Superior, we usually have 3-4 times what we have now. We'd normally get a foot or two per week pretty solid through January and February... we haven't gotten 6" this month, I'd gladly take all of your snow. Plus we have the infrastructure to deal with most of it so the roads are never too terrible save the morning after a big fall.
  9. Think we need a guns thread? I have a 357Sig barrel for my Sig 229, as well as .40 and a .22 conversion slide. I've shot a USP 9mm in the full size setup. If you're looking for anything specific on that pistol chambered in that round I can't help, but I can provide insight on the round and the USP platform. Race; The XD gear pack is standard. If they tried to sell the gun to you without its factory case they're swindlers. I personally liked the feel of the XDM over the XD, but I'd rather not have either. There are better options for me and I have personally seen them have issues. We run small practical matches and split the shooters into groups to run scenarios. In all three of the matches I've help run someone in my team has had various feed or cycle issues with an XD. They're not bad guns, it's not like my Sig didn't act up when I went close to 500 rounds without a field strip using dirty reloads, but in my mind there are better options and alternatives.
  10. Guns are good, what was the good deal if you don't mind me asking?
  11. Damn sinus blockage. It's carnival weekend, the single greatest party weekend at my school in which Wednesday is encouraged to be an all-night affair (named the "All-Nighter", how apropo) and no class Thursday or Friday. I am near bedridden with sinus cloggings and general "I've been standing for 10 minutes, I'm now very tired" endurance..
  12. What a joke the iPad is. All the things people wanted with the iPhone left out, nothing groundbreaking. No way I would lug that around over a netbook and an iPod/Phone.
  13. I am miffed about this. I've been a fan of his for years but never could watch his show. The earlier time along with Hulu having episodes meant I watched him a lot more. Screw Leno, Conan should have stayed. I was also not super thrilled about the sendoff with Will Ferrel and the couple other guests performing. I know it was more for him, but I was hoping for some grand spectacle.
  14. I still think the urinal is both the best and worst way to take a leak. If only the backs of dumpsters had sinks to wash up after. I can't imagine why the urinal hasn't become more uniform like toilets have. Sure, toilets can be different, but you don't have toilets with the water at floor level, or some that slightly envelope you, and others that won't let you get within 2 feet without getting splash back on you. The best ones IMO are the ones that are fairly tall and go almost to the floor, with a larger basin at the bottom. You can direct the stream downward to not splash, any dripping is caught, the flush won't swirl onto the floor (yes I have seen the chest to floor ones that will flush on your feet), and as long as there's a good divider you don't get any wasted ones from guys needing to leave gaps or short ones for kids. But noooooo. Everyone needs to use a different style. Tiny ones that just take your piss and shotgun it back into your pants, or short useless ones I have to stand back and wet the floor to use, or shallow ones with no guards that are 10" apart so only half ever get used anyway. Obviously me and my OCD need to get into the urinal business....
  15. Amen. Last thing I need is the snow pack getting slick and the good ice turning to mush. Hell, I'm in a short sleeve shirt and flip flops today. So was I for the last two days. Damn near 45 degrees, I was sweating. Thank god we're back down to 25-30 for the next week at least.
  16. I hate you Lightweight. Why do you have to be such a pain to get the full challenge? I'm at 95/100 miles for level FIVE (I can't wait to see what 6 needs) and I've been being a giant bitch using Akimbo Vectors and 1887s with Marathon and Commando for over a week, doing nothing but sprinting and getting between 0 and 3 miles per match. Most of my other perks are done or 3/4's done with VI, but this one is just dragging. Well Sitrep, OneManArmy and Last Stand haven't been used, but still. Anyone got the rundown for what Prestige mode does? I need 6000 points to get it, but I don't know if resetting my level will reset all of my progress in challenges or if I keep my progress and just need to re-unlock everything.
  17. Amen. Last thing I need is the snow pack getting slick and the good ice turning to mush.
  18. I don't see what Scrambler has to do with that. And it's not an exploit, it's why OneManArmy is terrible.
  19. My cousin is married to a haitian, we've been getting updates and so far most of his immediate family is accounted for. Thoughts and prayers are with him and you, JR.
  20. For sniping I really love hardcore team deathmatch. No constant radar, and no killcams, so finding a sniper's perch is a lot easier to do since people have less tools to find you. That and using the silencer is still a one-shot. Not needing to place shots I used the ACOG more to get a better field of view (much less tunnel vision). I just hate that the ACOG on a sniper rifle will still waver, but it's rock-solid on every other platform. My sniper class for a good run was M21- ACOG/Silencer AA12- Grip/FMJ Claymore/Stun Bling Cold Blooded Mixed between Ninja, SitRep, and others. I racked up over 300 kills pretty quick and got the M21 mastery. I should go back and do it with another one now that I've got the 3 ghillie suits and more sniping experience.
  21. I need about 30 more kills with scrambler to get VI done, then never use it again.
  22. What pisses me off is how much disparity there is with the shotguns- the AA12 should be the best one with the rate of fire it puts out. They're all 12 gauge guns. My friend played today and said there was an update, maybe they've fixed the shotguns along with the infinite ammo/gamelength issue that came up. I don't have a problem with Akimbo itself, for close quarters it's the best thing to have while seriously handicapping anything out past 10 yards, but these shotguns are just rape machines. The 1887 should not be more effective than the AA12, SPAS12 or Striker, yet it can get a 25-yard 1 shot kill without aiming.
  23. Played a game today that went into Domination Ground War on Rust. Lots of people in a tiny map with the score limit well beyond what could be achieved. I played for a good while and had 86 kills. There were guys on the other team with several hundred. It was absolutely nuts, couldn't spawn without dying and the constant AC130, chopper, harrier barrage kept you confined to areas where a single grenade was netting 5+ kills. I suspect the guys on the tower just had tactical insertions up there, but part of me thinks there was something more nefarious going on.
  24. He's gotta keep the snow bird image up. Can't drive a grandma car in the snow, it should be in Florida right now. Seriously dude, why are you dumping all that cash into that car? The worst part is it's all for image and you're on here complaining of the exhaust getting you pulled over all the time. By "storing it for the winter" I hope you mean leaving it in the garage and not putting it on blocks, covering it, taking the air in the tires down, and starting it every week to let it idle for 10 minutes.
  25. Someone hit my car when it was in a parking lot today. I have a nice fist sized hole in the rear quarter plastic and a big crease in the fender above it. Hooray for 3 accidents in 3 years of having this car, none prior.
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