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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by pisani34

  1. I decided to do a little more digging on this whole subject and concluded that i did not want Pro hockey life handling my profiling and further sharpenings from here on out. I've had decent consistency with them, but it hasn't always been perfect as you would expect with a big box store and high staff turnover. I chatted with the pro shop guy there and he basically confirmed with me that most people at the store couldn't/shouldn't be trusted to do a pro job, and that they definitely are not always consistent. With that being said i would be ok with them operating the prosharp machine, but not handling future sharpening jobs on it. i agreed with all of this as i was convincing myself that a profile & sharpening are things that i want to be handled by 1 person, the same person i can go back to, and have the ability to discuss and talk with about any issues. I was sick of the inconsistencies of my sharpenings and it was time to put an end to having to think about my skates & steel while on the ice when i should be focusing on the game. I called around as there is no shortage of specialty shops here, and decided to chat with a guy from bladz pro shop here. The owner/operator is out of a small shop in a nearby arena, and its basically all he does, skates and more skates. He told me in full disclosure that he wouldn't profile my skates unless i was committed to going to him, or someone else competent to handle future sharpenings, as any big box guy he guaranteed would undo all of it (especially convincing that i talked to my usual big retailer first too). We went over all the things that we should, weight, current abilities, what i wanted out of my skates, what i struggled with, etc, and i let him make the informed decision as to what profile he would want to start me on. It does kinda suck that you mention profiling the stock still will leave me very little, but he didn't seem concerned about that and also i've only had them sharpened twice so far. I'm in 7.5 super tacks, so a 263 holder. He does not have a pro sharp machine and i'll report back later with the actual starting point he's got me at and see how it differs with what i've been on all my life.
  2. count me in to see the answer as well. Noticed last time i was in my local pro hockey life they've got a new Prosharp AS2001 sitting in the shop. I've never ever had any of my skates profiled before, just whatever is out of the box and sharpened, usually at 5/8" or now i'm on X7. Skates for the foreseeable future are super tacks with the stock SB4.0 and SB Black, definitely interested to know what and how profile could help my game for sure!
  3. perfect....i think the price is right on the M8's and i think between the 2 pairs and how often i play i could just retire in these boots and never have to wonder about skate fit again :)
  4. anyone go from the Mako II's to the M8's? Wearing the II's have been the best skating experience i've had, but they are getting more used and i'm worried about the day they'll have to be retired. I was in my LHS the other day and noticed a sign that said they were doing 70% off easton skates....and i noticed an M8 box on the shelf in my size. Is there a big performance drop off going to the m8's? I'm more worried about the fit being the same and as comfortable as i'm not a high level player anyways, but thought i'd check here first.
  5. still lovin my mako 2's, but like others here have started to get a little rubbing in the same area that i got the mako bumps in in my original mako's. Really unfortunate because they were amazing and i thought the problem had been solved with the 2's. Will try a few things to see if i can get it sorted out
  6. i sent mine last friday, it said upon receiving they usually want about 2 business days to process and return. He said if they had some in stock they would have went out monday and i would have got them in 2 days. this is canada though, but i would think that easton down there would act just as fast. i don't know why theres such a large stock shortage up here. He did say though that for sure they could easily come sooner, thats just what his computer is showing for stock.
  7. hey guys, i had to send in my mako 1's to easton canada with about 9 days left on my warranty. I had severe mako bumps even after doing the home-fix methods here, and also clicking steel even after plenty of hardware tightening. Other than that, they were the best fitting skates i ever had (more on that after), and were so comfortable. They just received my skates today, and i gave them a call to check up on the status. I guess they decided that they would send me a pair of the mako 2's as replacement, how generous. He said it's definitely not normal practice for them to do so as they still had the 1's on hand, but they'll do that for me. Even better, he let me downsize to a 7.5 from the 8's that i sent in. they 8's had still been the best fitting skate i ever had, and they were nice out of the box pre-bake, but like you guys were finding, post-baking and post-break in, it definitely felt like i gained a bit of space in the toe-box, so much so that i was thinking a 7.5 might have been the better choice. After reading alot of your guys' replies, i'm thinking that 7.5 was definitely the way to go since you all say it should almost be impossible to get into the skate unless its baked. (i was able to get into the 8 without baking it). Either way, mako 2's in 7.5 are on their way to me sometime, and i can't wait to have that same comfort level and performance without the bumps! Only issue was that his computer isn't showing stock until September 3rd for the 7.5's, and august 27th for the 8's, so i'll be waiting a bit, but i don't really play much hockey anyways until then. Minor wait for a big gain the way i see it. Big ups to easton canada and CS department!
  8. i got mine...but i JUST got them about 3 weeks ago, it did take a call to easton, but they were great in handling the situation and he got me my sticks up in canada. i know a few other canadians got them as well.
  9. i do use a pretty short stick yeah, well not terribly short. the shortest one90 you see is a former ops with the blade cut off for a warrior blade. When i cut my NBH sticks i always use the 2nd line down to cut them, so thats where that was, and is now shorter due to having the blade cut off. I liked that length of stick for a while so its what i cut some other ones too, but all my new/uncut one90's will be back at the 2nd line length again. i'm about 5'9 in socks and like my sticks to come to just above mid-neck in socks as well.
  10. forgot to put it in the pics....got a navy 5500 on backup haha, so its definately there!
  11. Love the Great Whites... After I'm done with these G3's I'm def. doing some Custom G3 ultras just like that. I wonder if Graf does all white tongues? why yes they do :) My Graf's And The rest of my gear
  12. time for an update here for me Helmet-White 8K w/ grey Oakley 1/2 pro straight/Navy NB H5500 (backup) Shoulders- NBH Supreme Classic's one90's/Old school bauer 1000's Elbows- NBH one90's Hespeler F8 Pants- NBH one90's Nike quest 3 Shins - NBH one90's Hespeler F3 Gloves - NBH one90's (navy/silver) Mission Warp Zero's Skates- White Tongue/Tendon Guard Graf 735's w/ metallic black t-blades Nike quest 1 pro stocks Sticks- P88 one90, broken OPS one90 w/ robitaille dolo blade, broken ops pro stock Gilbert Mission Fuel Ti-Pro w/ draper dolo blade, toy drive s17's on the way NB one70 and my good old vapor V shaft w/ Synergy ST
  13. i think the carbon ones would have looked better, but those are nice and stealth....better stock up on those black runners though...i know i am
  14. i think everyone said all the players, but heres a PDF of them T-blade NHL users oh, and dont forget about ron mclean haha
  15. nvm, revo's on top of things! haha
  16. yep, id definately be getting those SRS'd if its readily available and not too costly
  17. for the record, that outsole has made its way onto the 7 series skates as well. One teammate has it on his 703s, another on his 735s. They switched to it fairly recently, as far as i can tell. i dont' know if this is correct or not, but i swear i heard something on this forum that the 7 series grafs don't actaully have a carbon outsole, its just a carbok LOOK outsole, so i picked up one of the new 7 series at my lhs, the 735 to be exact, and i swear it didn't look like a real carbon outsole at all...
  18. ^ those are some sick skates man
  19. pisani34

    Bauer 5000

    Nike Bauer 5500 Helmet Size-L Oakley Pro 1/2 Straight FIT: Its very easy to adjust this helmet for whenever you need too, 2 easy locks and then slide. Also, the gel inserts are very soft and comfortable to have surrounding your head. 9/10 PROTECTION: I play in a non-check league, but going with others reviews etc, i expect the protection in the helmet to be very good in the event i ever need it. 9/10 WEIGHT: Adequately light, not really a big deal for me here. 9.5-10 DURABILITY: The helmet seems to be holding up very well. I wear a skullcap inside my helmet so that does soak up alot of the sweat that would otherwise be going onto the gel packs, but i don't notice any sign of wear after about 50 hours of ice time already. CONCLUSION: This helmet has got to be one of my favorite. The comfort pads on the inside are very comfortable, the ease of adjustment, the durability, and also the looks of this helmet compared with some others is above par in my opinion, i would buy it again!
  20. well, first time ever buying equipment and taking up hockey, so here goes... Helmet-Navy NB H5500 w/ oakley 1/2 straight cut Shoulders-Old school bauer 1000's ($5 lol) Elbows- Hespeler F8 Pants- Nike quest 3 Shins - Hespeler F3 Gloves - Mission Warp Zero's Skates- Nike quest 1 pro stocks w/ tblades Sticks-NB one70, vapor v2, and my good old vapor V shaft w/ Synergy ST
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