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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by shifter

  1. Thanks Jr! btw for the new rbk skate line 08 is it a different fit?
  2. Any more different views?
  3. Hoping the discontinued mission sticks will go on sale! might pick one up after hearing many great things about mission sticks!
  4. the one pieace body armor is very flashy. Looks like motorcross protection though
  5. I hope these new supremes will fit my EE vapor foot. btw even though the new supreme 75 replaces the 90, will it stil have a new feature? Like heat molding around the ankle?
  6. ohh, I only thought they were pro-stock because of the colours and, the higher cuff in that picture
  7. those mits look amazing! Enjoy them :D! is it prostock btw?
  8. LOL.. He'll probably rip everyone apart
  9. cantonese/mandarin/ or chinese :) but, i cant read it :D
  10. when it gets dull, lose an edge, nicks, slip ,etc. Its just like a normal steel that needs to be resharpen but in t-blades you need to replace the steel.
  11. give the newb a chance :D
  12. looks really funny somehow
  13. white/black boot with black laces and black holder= sick skate righ there!
  14. yeah same here its pretty nice the laces! Is that a vapor XVI stick ?? Or a XXII?
  15. How come the supra series now have composite outsoles? are they custom?
  16. lol the funkiest green socks I've seen!
  17. its a shaft thats more then a 100flex =D
  18. just snap my rubberband twig( synergy 300) IT was time!
  19. more and more i see that lid i like it. it looks really sick with that oakley Same, It looks really good in white :D
  20. IT would be nice to collect them but skating in them would be a different issue
  21. pretty sharp looking !
  22. Remember you want a boot that flexes more so you can flex while skating on a fracture ankle.
  23. try a pair of 707!! These skates are design for those who have fracture their anckles or anything relating to an injury in the ankles! good luck
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