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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by troy

  1. Another interesting anecdote I read about David in this week's ESPN mag, apparently he didn't have a SS number and had trouble cashing his paychecks so John Davidson had to loan him some cash haha.
  2. David was also mentioned in an SI article about the Blues and how he helps Tkachuk with his hands after practice. The author said David is "like magic, while Tkachuk is like veg-o-matic".
  3. This is the link to the THN video highlights http://www.thehockeynews.tv/video-1635-Hig...s-vs-Blues-game .
  4. Here's another article from Andy Strickland off HockeyBuzz. http://v4.hockeybuzz.com/blog.php?post_id=10393
  5. Nice blurb on David from the Hockeybuzz Blues blogger, Andy Strickland.
  6. Hahaha David "White Skates" Perron, even got the Kovy mention in there!
  7. Well I guess this will have to get moved to NHL Discussions soon. Congrats David, it's quite an accomplishment.
  8. Judging by past ads featuring kids with hard-ons looking in a window at Warrior sticks, I'd assume its supposed to mean busting a nut.
  9. Well I know for a portion of last season Crosby had his on. Crosby
  10. My sticks at the moment:
  11. Update: Helmet - Bauer 5000 w/ 4000 TruVision cage Shoulders - Nike V-12's Elbows - Jofa 9144's Girdle - Bauer MBP8 Shins - Nike V-14's Skates - Bauer Vapor XXX's Gloves - Easton Pro Syn 900 Sticks - 2 85 Forsberg SL's, 85 PM9 XXX Lite, 85 Drury Stealth Grip, 2 85 P106 Vapor XXX's, 85 Christian Torch Lite w/ wood Christian P1 blade, Whip RL XN10 w/ Modano Z-Carb,
  12. Ahh, no it must've been the Flames game I won, I just remember orange on the jerseys. I think you're the team that only got 3 shots on us, what level do you guys usually play?
  13. HockeyMidget, I was in that tournament on the Ice Dogs A2 team, I'm pretty sure I won MVP when we played you haha.
  14. Update: Elbows - V-14 Skates - XXX's Stick - SL forsberg
  15. Helmet- Bauer 5000, forced to get it after 4 concussions Cage - Bauer truvision 4000 Shoulders- V-12's, it like they're not even there i love 'em Elbows- CCM 652's Gloves- XX's, honestly the best money i ever spent on hockey equipment Pants- MBP 8 girdle, protective & light Shins- V-12's, haven't had one bruise on my leg since i got them Skates- S500's, took awhile getting used to the supplefit system, but now they're probably in my top 3 skates that ive used Stick- TPS RLXN10 whip flex with a Nash PTC blade, a rocket launcher
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