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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Havok19

  • Birthday 08/29/1974

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  1. Its like a 5 min drive from the st-jerome to the mirabelnew research and dev center.
  2. Nope you need to go to your lhs and they will contact a bauer rep to come and meet you at the lhs
  3. Any eta on warrior customizer ?? Its been more then a year since they removed the sticks
  4. I like the look with the old toe caps better is it a option i could ask for ?
  5. I wish they would still do the P08 :( but your stick look amazing.
  6. Silly question do anyone know if the apx2 LE color scheme will be available on mybauer cause i use the p08 and i think its not available on the apx2 le
  7. Do you know the release date Of the titanium blade
  8. CCM rbz 75 flex landeskog and warrior widow 85 flex Zharky %20%20Uploaded%20with%20ImageShack.us"]http:// Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  9. Grat Harv you will now start to be in a slump
  10. Keepm us informed on how it perform :p
  11. I heard good things about MLX but look wise they are the ugliest skate ever.
  12. Its not a mid level its a high level skate
  13. I dont see the Chara/gaborik in any of the blade for shaft.Are they available?
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