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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by malcb33

  1. Everything else that makes these skates great, totally outweighs the slightly heavier boot. It's not even like these are heavy, just a touch heavier than the latest and greatest from Bauer. IMO if weight is the biggest factor here, you're totally missing the point of VH's.
  2. So pretty much a TC3 with a Kreps blade shape. That would one beautiful curve and that would get my vote too! Not sure if Base would do something like this though as there is no sample.
  3. The Gionta is slightly open at the toe. It's been a while since I had a P88 but from memory it opens up maybe a hair more, but way further back towards the mid pocket.
  4. That look pretty close (maybe slightly more mild) to the old Warrior Gionta. It seems to me that a lot of people are asking for the same thing, a toned down BC10, Warrior Gionta, True TC3 are all very close. Slight differences but they basically play similar and in my mind it's a very versatile curve which is easy to transition to from a P88 type curve if you want more of a toe. Here's a pick of a few for you guys Top to Bottom, Warrior Gionta, True TC3, Warrior Kreps, Base Russell (Hossa) and pro Kovalchuk (old style before he moved to a Kreps). Note- The difference angles when trying to take a picture of so many curves together at one time. The TC3 and Gionta are very similar IRL
  5. Definitely the .520 version which could be used for tapered blades and OPS make ups The old retail Easton Shanahan curve would be great. Ideally round of the square toe slightly
  6. I hope he has a lot of back-up Mako's then......
  7. I can't remember exactly which one I had (either Clear Matte or Power matte) but it was a tough type texture and it felt great in the hand and was very durable. I guess to describe it, think like sharkskin but way less course, like an extremely fine sand. I also didn't notice an extra weight because of the grip. I have to say, if you are looking at other grip options Base Polarfibre is awesome! Great grip, even when the stick is wet and it won't fake off.
  8. And soon to be Colin Wilson, haha
  9. I remember reading a while back (and correct me if I'm wrong) that the mold fee for a custom Base curve is around $1500 + your cost order. If true, it seems a little cost prohibitive to me. I understand that you have to pay for the mold to be made, but how are companies such as True or Sherwood doing minimums of 6 with no mold fee? I'm just spitballing here but if there was a minimum or 6 or even 12, it probably wouldn't be so hard to get a few like minded people together to make it happen. I also imagine Base's curve data base would grow substantially which could crete more sales for them as well. I
  10. I would be very into this as well. Why not base the mold off of a Perron curve which is the same (well some) but have a normal hosel?
  11. I'm guessing this "classic " closed mid-toe curve has a square toe? If it is the curve I think it is, I would be so much much desirable if the toe was rounded off a bit. I think introducing that curve is very smart considering how a few very popular players use it.
  12. Great to see you here @Stephen7 I love Base products are have found them very durable and reliable with solid performance. Even though I've tried 4 of your patterns now, I'm still to find something perfect for me, but I do applaud Base for offering so many unique offerings. It's amazing to see a company still offering Polarfibre grip, my favorite by far! Can you elaborate about the how the different blade flexes effect the feel and performance? Can you compare the feel of the different flexes to how other retail offerings? I've found the Nasty-R blade was similar to a One95, but slightly more crisp and the regular blade similar to the old SE16 IMO.
  13. Great to see you here @Stephen7 I love Base products are have found them very durable and reliable with solid performance. Even though I've tried 4 of your patterns now, I'm still to find something perfect for me, but I do applaud Base for offering so many unique offerings. It's amazing to see a company still offering Polarfibre grip, my favorite by far! Can you elaborate about the how the different blade flexes effect the feel and performance? Can you compare the feel of the different flexes to how other retail offerings? I've found the Nasty-R blade was similar to a One95, but slightly more crisp and the regular blade similar to the old SE16 IMO.
  14. I just replied to your post in the VH thread. The short story is, I would strongly recommend professional advice before going down this route.
  15. I hear you on the over pronation issues, but I would definitely NOT just guess with this stuff and especially not buy a new pair of skates with irreversible built in shims on an estimation. Even just a tiny shim or adjustment to your holder makes a huge difference with your balance on the ice (not just skating, but balance being bumped into, shooting etc) and you should definitely seek the advice of professional (foot specialist) before investing money into new skates or any adjustments. After getting advice you can mail you skates to a store who can put shims on your current skates to try fist. Generally changes like this are done in small increments so it might take a while to get dialled in as well. Personally I think custom soles would help you a lot and would cost a lot less. I have leg length and pronation issues and have tried adjusting the holders, shims and risers and use custom soles as well. After all that I found the custom footbed made the most difference and I just went back to stock holders without anything else as that is what I learnt to skate on and still feels the most natural to me as I'm used to the imbalance (don't wear special shoes) in every day life.
  16. Do you still have the red innersole in? You'd be surprised how much extra space that gives you if you take it out. Also shaving the sides of your current tongues helps too. There's lots of things to try before ordering a whole new pair of skates.
  17. I guess when I think of a "comfort edge" I think of the Bauer version, but like anything everyone has their own take on it. If I remember correctly the MLX version is pretty thin and didn't do a whole lot for me. The VH version is thicker and softer than the MLX one but still not a good as the Bauer one IMO.
  18. Quite different. MLX doesn't have a comfort edge, VH has one built in (kinda) but not the same as Bauer. The VH on is flexible around the top of the cuff so it doesn't dig in like other skates without a true comfort edge.
  19. Flip- remember that the top 8- 10 around the side of the cuff is VH's comfort edge which is flexible too.
  20. I have the exact same issue (or had as it's solved now). Mine was so bad the tendons on the top of my foot are extremely inflamed even after extended periods of not skating at all. IMO having a felt tongue with a half plastic insert (up to 3-4 eyelet from top, so not to interfere with flex) and a Maltese gel insert in the inside for comfort would be the ultimate set-up. I think a home made 55flex system would really help you here. I would make out of a stiff leather and make the eyelets extend half as far as the 55flex system. Would be amazing on MLX IMO. I loved those skates except the issue you have and the depth for me. Pretty sure they're out of business now. The 55flex idea is good, however the product was average at best (wrong plastic, to brittle) they were to expensive for what they are and their CS wasn't great either. All in all, make your own!
  21. I found the meta tongues horrible for flexion In my case (many years of lacebite pain) having the correct depth of boot is the main thing to prevent lacebite. Adding protection is only masking the real issue and isn't really a fix in the custom world The eyelets are OK, but I think I will ask for them to be re-done as I originally requested. It took a while to get them just right (currently using the inside 2 hole and top outside hole) but I'm concerned with the longevity of this setup as the laces push the extension inwards which puts extra pressure on that part which I could see creasing fairly quickly. They also don't perform exactly the way I wanted either.
  22. I really wasn't a fan of the metatarsal guard tongue. Not saying you won't be either, but the plastic insert comes up to high and widens at the top which makes it really stiff and inhibits forwards flexion as it locks up against the sides of the boot. Unfortunately this makes the skate feel more like a ski boot and is the exact opposite of what I was looking for. VH recommends the Meta tongue for lace bite and protection, but I switched over to the regular tongue (after skating on the meta tongue a few times) at the store and like it way more.
  23. https://www.vhhockey.com/dealers/ Google is your friend
  24. Would you mind posting a pic of your comfort edges Optimus? I dealt with the local dealer, so I third party who communicated with VH. However I sent a detailed email with pictures and examples to the dealer, who forwarded it on so there shouldn't be any mis-communication issues with what I wanted.
  25. While I hear what you are saying, the aesthetics don't really bother me that much. I knew what I was getting into with VH and as long as it performs and holds up (and doesn't look totally horrible) I'm OK with it. The eyelets however are a performance issue, but I'm hoping for the best.
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