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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About hellkitty

  • Birthday July 9


  • Skates
    Bauer One100
  • Hockey Bag
    Eagle Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Vapor 50
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 6K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Vapor XXXX
  • Pants
    Reebok 7K
  • Helmet
    Reebok 8k
  • Gloves
    Bauer Vapor XXXX
  • Stick
    Bauer Vapor X60

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hockey and concerts (working and watching) & my 2 pugs (Pacey & Linkin)
  • Location
    Rochester, NH
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • AIM
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  • ICQ

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  1. Found $10 next to my car after work last night. My dogs almost pee'd on it but i got in time. It paid for hockey last night so i was pretty pumped that's for sure.
  2. Haha that is awesome!
  3. I actually didnt know they were narrows actually. But you also thought they were 13" but i know they are 14".
  4. I love my Malkin Warriors!
  5. She picked them up on eBay :)
  6. Here's my latest pair of gloves. I've been searching forever for these damn gloves and i finally got them. I can't wait to use them.
  7. You were the kid holding 6 pairs or pants around the shop right?
  8. So you were the guy hording everything i see. Way to go buddy.
  9. I think 2008. I have the same pair and they are sweet.
  10. Just got a pair of Lightning 40's with the name "Steph" on it. Anyone know who it is? I'll take photos when I get home.
  11. Here are my 2 latest pick up's. I got the Team USA 40's and another pair of Malkin's gloves but these have a digital palm and they are awesome. I also have a pair of Canuck's 40's that i'll pick up next week.
  12. Just picked these up yesterday at TSR. They had 1 pair left of the Tavares gloves so i got lucky. These things are pretty damn stiff. The Stars ones are pretty awesome and i can't wait to use these. I didn't know Henrik had a twin brother.
  13. Watching a football, hockey and a baseball game is a good day for me.
  14. Just picked these 2 babies today. These are Haley Wickenhieser's gloves 13" -1" And Sam Gagner 14" - 1". Bought both from TSR of course.
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