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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Ah, interesting! Thanks for the info guys! Nice EK pun flip!
  2. What are those white panels at the top of this player's skates? Some sort of laces tightening device?
  3. I have the One90 shins and they tend to narrow towards the bottom, One95 looks be stay the same width the whole way down; but that could be the angle of the picture. From what I remember reading about the Flex-Lites, they fit a more wide foot, correct? Shame, cause they are beautiful!!!
  4. I definitely miss the old Jofa pants. The upper torso gear doesn't look bad though, although the lack of 18" version for the shins is no good.
  5. How many inches you rockin'? :D
  6. I'm exactly 6'3" and use 18 inchers too. I can easily use 16" but I prefer longer.
  7. Those Easton shafts sure do run pathetically short. I'm also 6'3" and bought a Easton shaft that required a full end plug (6") and it was still too short. Shame on Easton, really ticks me off. However, the NB One90 shaft and my One70 one piece required no end plug, but those might be too large for the shorter guys.. so we all lose somehow.
  8. Jokinen, the number is P106 I believe.
  9. Nothing special... Danish away jersey: NB One90 (2 piece):
  10. I noticed that they re-structured the 4500 Facemask. A new finish on the wire and different cage structure on the side. Hopefully shops start stocking this soon.
  11. Good news, I'm really happy to see some lightweight poly-like socks being available en masse. Some in the hockey world are so narrow minded and refuse to look at new technology in general. So I'm glad NHL forced the change, I for one like the EDGE jerseys. I have a Nike Swift jersey and I absolutely love the range of motion and weightlessness. Those RBK socks have a Velcro attachment at the top so they connect to the 9K pant, hope these socks work with regular attachment arrangements.
  12. Oh my, finally I can get some lightweight poly socks like the Nike Swift ones, praise be!!! Hopefully they sell them in blank solid colors too! Thanks
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