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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Tailboard Jockey

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Everything posted by Tailboard Jockey

  1. I'll be celebrating my 19th wedding anniversary on April 20th, and the finalization of my divorce on July 23rd.
  2. A good friend of mine, who I've been coaching both of our son's hockey teams with for years, is in a coma from contracting viral encephalitis.
  3. I watched a high school game last night before my son's game. The final score was 18-1, and the 18th goal was a "Hertl".
  4. I wouldn't worry about them...there are always a few in every EMT class. They won't make it past the final practicals/exam. Don't let them take you down with them.
  5. That Star Trek episode, "Amok Time", had the best fight scene music ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHAOkDamRzU
  6. Use hairspray, without the tape that comes with them. Apply a copious amount to the end of the stick, and the inside of the grip. Works great!
  7. Someday, when you're a parent, you will understand.
  8. There's nothing here like that for adults, besides the Robby Glantz clinics and some Sharks Summer Hockey clinics at Sharks Ice. The Robby Glantz clinic might surprise you.
  9. You keep score in pick-up?
  10. The innocent men, women, and children he personally signed off on blowing up, might disagree with you, if they were still alive.
  11. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1869441-shane-del-rosario-has-not-passed-away-remains-on-life-support
  12. What about putting a lift at the front of the holder?
  13. I picked these up at the San Jose Sharks equipment sale a few weeks ago. Bauer TotalOne Brad Winchester pro stocks. Double stitched, Plus two stiffness, double felt tongues, black liner. I swapped out the fake Fusion steel for my Step Velocity steel. Left skate is 11 1/4 EA, right skate is 11 1/2 EA. They feel as if they were made for me, they fit perfectly. I'm still getting used to the extra stiffness of these, compared to my 8090's. I've only played two games so far with these, but these are the most comfortable skates I've ever worn, by far. My wife was mad when she found out I went to the sale, because she knew that I would buy something. She started to give me a hard time about buying these, but I knew that she had bought a brand new pair of roller derby skates on the same day, for more than twice as much as I spent on these skates. It could not have worked out more perfectly than that!
  14. Helmet: Easton pro stock S-19 w/ Bauer ReAkt Ti cage, CCM V08 Sharks pro stock Shoulders: CCM CL Elbow: Jofa 9144 w/ Jofa floating slash guards Gloves: Warrior Luxe retail, assorted brands of Sharks pro stock Pants: Warrior Hustler customs, Easton Bio Dry Sharks pro stock Shins: RBK 7K, Reebok 11K Skates: Bauer TotalOne pro stock, Bauer 8090 Sticks: N/B One 95 (One 90) pro stock, Reebok pro stock, a few other pro stocks
  15. Helmet: Easton S-19 pro stock w/ old-style Boulder Hockey Shield, CCM Vector 08 pro stock w/ Oakley Pro Straight visor Shoulder Pads: CCM U+ CL Shin Pads: Reebok KFS 11K Elbow Pads: Jofa 9144 Pro w/ Jofa floating slash guards Gloves: Warrior Luxe, RBK 4 Roll pro stock Sharks Pants: Warrior Hustler custom +2", Easton Bio Dry pro stock +2" Sharks Sticks: Bauer Supreme One 95 pro stock Ortmeyer, Reebok pro stock Brodziak, CCM U+ Vector pro stock Callahan Skates: Bauer 8090 w/ Step Steel Velocity
  16. I had a head cold over Christmas, and now a stomach flu over New Years.
  17. Aggie, what kind of grips are those on your sticks?
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