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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About big_bt

  • Birthday 09/03/1987


  • Skates
    Graf G70 Custom
  • Hockey Bag
    Nike Bauer Vapor Wheel
  • Shin Pads
    Vector 10.0
  • Elbow Pads
    Nike Bauer Pro Lightspeeds
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM Vector 10.0
  • Pants
    Nike Bauer Vapor XX-Lite
  • Helmet
    Easton S9
  • Gloves
    Nike Bauer 4Roll
  • Stick
    One95 Stick'Um

Profile Information

  • Interests
    hockey hockey hockey ............. hockey
  • Location
    Vancouver, B.C Canada
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  1. Helmet: Nike Bauer 8500 Shoulder Pads: Itech (old school) Elbow Pads: Graf 500's Gloves: Nike Bauer Pro Rolls Pants: Vapor XX-lite Shin pads: RBK 6k Skates: Graf 709 Sticks: Kronik / ST / SL / Elite Visor: Itech X-100
  2. big_bt

    Easton Synergy SL

    Easton SL - Non Grip Sakic Curve 100 Flex Blade- Nice and thin. But it wasn't the greatest feeling blade. It just felt average to me. 8/10 Shaft and Flex- The flex held up like a typical easton, because I haven't had a easton stick go soft on me yet and I've had the ST for 1 year now. The shaft was alright, not much to say other than the cheap blue paint chipping all over the place. 9/10 Stick handling / Passing- This is where I thought the stick was really really good. At first I couldn't feel the puck when stick handling fast because it was an adjustment because it was so light. But after some time it became easier and easier and the feel became better and better. Passes were crisp, but I had a really lively blade for receiving passes, I don't know if it was just me but I had passes bouncing off my stick like crazy. 8.5/10 Shots- Meh, I didn't find the shooting on this stick all too amazing. The blade would torque a lot on most of my shots causing them to be weaker than I had hoped for. Didn't really enjoy shooting with this twig. 7/10 Weight- Really really light. I was using this thing effortlessly for stick checking and found no fatigue in my arms at all. 9.5/10 Durability- Roughly 10 games into this stick, I looked on top of the blade and noticed a hair line crack. I have no idea when this crack happened but it really seemed to destroy my shot. This crack would make my blade torque so much, to a point where my shots would steer to the left all the time. I have no idea how this happened but I felt outraged because the warranty had expired a week before I noticed this crack. 7/10 Intangibles- The blue paint comes off like nothing and one time in a game in front of the net I had a piece of it stuck under my skate. And totally tripped me up. Conclusion- This stick was too expensive and I wasn't too happy with its performance. I think I probably had a bad batch. But nonetheless the price tag would clearly steer me clear of this stick right away looking for a better alternative. Light light stick, but weight comes with a price and I think I'll toughen it out and have a few extra grams on my stick if it'll last me longer. 8/10
  3. Bauer Vapor XXX Lite P91 - Pro Stock Lucic 102 - Flex Blade - A very nice and stiff blade. I loved the feel I had with this blade. Nice and responsive I didn't loose the feel for the puck while stick handling at all. Very nice blade. 9.5/10 Shaft and Flex - I really like the Nike Bauer feel for sticks. Compared to some of the other Easton sticks that I have used this one fits nicely into my hands. The stick'um is definitely one of my favorite grips out there. The flex was stiff but I am a big guy and put a lot of mustard into my shots. This stick has a super low kick point thus making it really responsive when you shoot. Been using it for a while not and the flex is still consistent no noodling. 10/10 Stick Handling / Passing - I have to admit this was my favorite stick to stick handle with. I could feel the puck the whole time when I had the puck and made some sick saucers with this thing. Receiving passes is pretty much on the user, if you have bricks for hands expect the puck to bounce off the blade. But cradle it a bit and you're good. 9.5/10 Shots - I was rocketing slappers like no tomorrow with this stick. Snappers are super super quick but that could just be me. But I was bombing the goalie with slaps with ease, it seemed to just fly off the blade. Unreal. 9.5/10 Weight - This was a pretty light stick, coming off an Easton ST which is heavier you can automatically feel the difference. The balance was pretty good didn't pay much attention to that. Not much to say here. 10/10 Durability - Ive heard of horror stories regarding durability. Being a d-man you kinda think these things through before purchasing it. You don't want a stick to break on you after blocking a shot on a 5 on 3 PK. But hey it was a prostock and I got it pretty cheap so I took the chance. Lucky for me it is still going strong. Been almost 2 months now and the paint of the XXX has come off and what not but other than that still immaculate and I play about 3 times a week. So far so good for me. But I have witnessed some brutal breakage of this stick, guys receiving passes on their back hands and the blade exploding. I even saw this breakage when this guy tried to make a hard pass and the shaft broke. Totally sketch. 9/10 Intangibles - Other than paint chipping on the XXX its fine. Grip + Flex still good. Conclusion - Easily one of my favorite sticks right now. Looks sick, performs sick. Definitely recommend this twig to those who haven't gotten the chance to try it yet. Pick and it up and it'll surprise you. Only good things to come from this stick. 9.5/10
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