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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

JJ Thompson94

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About JJ Thompson94

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    Bad Seller

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  1. hey do u coach hockey for trenton

  2. Cool, I still don't trust the Vapor Series stick though. Besides the kick, I loved the dimensions of the U+. You didn't like the Vapor xxx stick. That was real nice stick. The xxx stick and skates were both better than the xxxx's in my opinion.
  3. They other week I went to an open and all I had was a red jersey. There was another red so it was White and red vs. black and blue. On the SECOND shift, this older guy on the whites takes the puck from me while i'm in the corner. Just out of reaction I scream "douche i'm on your team". The rest of the shift is played out and I go to the bench. He comes to the bench a few seconds after me. This guys starts cursing the crap out of me, telling me he demands respect and no one calls him a douche and blah blah. He was turning red, screaming on the top of his lungs. I politly try to tell him it was just a jumpy reaction and didn't mean to insult him. plus it wasn't even the first shift. He doesn't want to listen and starts swinging at me. He acually starts swinging at me. At an open session, for calling him a douche. Not to mention I'm wearing a cage, he's wearing a half shield and I'm 22 and he's like in his late fortys. We scrap a little and the guys on the bench hold him back. Eventually security came and took him off and even the cops came. I don't think he got aressted but he was flipping out. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get SOOOO pissed over being called a douche. If the guy was normal I would have appoligized but he wouldn't even give me a chance. Man some people.
  4. Sweet oilers gloves. Very nice!!!
  5. Wow, the skate comes out at the end of the NHL season, they don't have to be so secretive. Just throw it on an NHLer and get this over with it.
  6. I use XXXX stick-um and I have two other guys on my team that use the regular one. But...yeah it's a bust compared to the XXX or the One90.
  7. Are those the 9k pants? Are you wearing them unzipped. I tried doing that, but the velcro keeps getting stuck to my socks, I'm thinking of cutting them off. What did you do?
  8. Isn't this supposed to be a "college" kid? Why the hell does he look like he's pushing 40.
  9. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I hate it when everyone forgets their skates.
  10. I can understand your point, but people are called equipment whores for a reason. I say if you have the money and you want to spend it on high price equipment. Hey it's your money. I accually have this weird thing that gloves and sticks have to be the same company. Rbk and Rbk or NBH and NBH. I know it's weird and I get shit for it, but I make my money and thats how I want to spend it, it's no one elses concern. It's weird now cause i'm rocking eagle tuftek ppfs and a warrior dolo. But to offset that I rock Nbh xxx skates and helmet. Please don't even bother telling me I'm strange, I know. Don't even get me started on how irritating it is to me to have Rbk 9k pants and no other RBK gear to pair it with. It's all about 2. I'm crazy but whatever.
  11. It must be brutal to play with that O-stick. Whenever I'm at an open ice and some guy comes in with a 9k. Everyone asks to see it and then begin to talk shit about what a waste of money. Personally I agree, I think it's a retarded idea for a stick, but I still feel bad for you.
  12. Where did you find those?
  13. Those are westside skate soakers & your a bruins fan??? BAD NEW YORKER Those are westside skate soakers & your a bruins fan??? BAD NEW YORKER
  14. Love the Great Whites... After I'm done with these G3's I'm def. doing some Custom G3 ultras just like that. I wonder if Graf does all white tongues? why yes they do :) My Graf's And The rest of my gear Man You REALLY like NBH One90. Really why no helmet.
  15. Dude, it's your accepting the acadamy award. good speech. :lol: but nice skates
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