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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by badger_14

  1. Yes and no - often, the younger age cohort (18 - 25, those home from college and/or newly spat from U-19 or high school teams) tends to get fed up and decide the best defense is a good offense. When I play with guys older than me (we're talking 60s ok) like the Raytheon guys, they mistake me for being a teenager and take pity on me. So, score one for looking a dozen years younger than my actual age? Most times it's a mix. My Russians play so much defense I hardly know what to do with myself sometimes. They kept apologizing today for not stopping this one guy who is really, really good (and clearly dialing it back a few notches - his dad skates with us, so he's not trying to sandbag or anything). One of them asked me, "Has anyone other than that guy scored on you today?" Well, yes, but it does seem that way sometimes... (I did stone him a few times, but the kid can basically pick a spot and go for it and I'm only so fast.)
  2. Last night at gym-work, some fool poured water on the (electric) heating element in the men's sauna. So we were out both men's steam room (planned closure for re-tiling) and sauna. At least we got it fixed by this afternoon.
  3. I've had the opposite experience at several pickups - if the skaters/defense don't think I'm working hard enough, they'll give up trying to defend me like I'm not worth the effort if they think I'll just end up letting the goal in anyway. It depends on the make-up of the group, though.
  4. You guys in California are so fancy with your adult leagues. Some days, we're lucky if there are even working water fountains! But seriously BD, that's wicked nifty. Congratulations.
  5. A few surprises: one, we got to play on the big rink today (the two rinks are side by side, and the smaller has been converted now to turf for the summer) - and got extra time as well, so couple of hours instead of just one. Didn't feel too badly by the end, surprisingly. Was getting a bit slower in reaction time. Adjusted well to the angles and tracking the puck. I had bought a second pair of "backup" glasses (now primary) and paid extra for super-thin fancy polycarbonate lenses and feel much less "lopsided" off the ice, and it's been easier to adjust to being without them now that the prescription is accurate and I don't have a coke bottle on one eye. Anyway - there was the big rink, and I tried out my new jersey and was not struck down by the hockey gods for hubris. I also found after last Saturday night a nick on the landing gear (inside fabric, not the outer leather) of my right pad, which is perplexing, because I wouldn't have stepped on my own pads, and the angle is wrong for anyone stepping on them on ice, but it looks as if they were sliced by a skate. Maybe someone stepped on them while I was dressing? It doesn't affect the play at all, and the rigid internal material is fine, but I should probably sew it back up. I had to get my skates sharpened on Tuesday, after going to stick-and-puck and realizing oh man, these are absolutely shot after Saturday night. Could not for the life of me recall what hollow it was - the sharpener looked at it and said usually goalies get 5/8", but said that these looked like they'd been done at 3/4". I went with 3/4" and it worked just fine today. I think I'm just still heavy enough that a shallower hollow isn't a problem. All in all a pretty solid game - I had a shutout going for like 45 minutes, while my poor colleague across the ice got smoked, but it evened out after the first hour. I felt comfortable and moved well. Butterfly slides are slowly improving and becoming a reasonable part of the repertoire.
  6. No one made it clear that the tryout was a joint tryout for both the A/B and C/D tournament teams - where the coaches observe and then assign people based on skill level. This meant the goalies (all five of us) were pelted by mostly B-level players for an hour at high-speed drills. Even the more experienced (B-level) goalies were like: "F this." I think I held myself reasonably well, all things considered. The ice was absolute crap (the skating lesson people had left the rink windows open for the two hours preceeding the tryout, and it was roughly 60 yesterday), I stepped on (and slid on) pucks twice, caught a rut and fell in the middle of trying to stop a puck (still stopped the puck), someone fired a shot that seriously bruised my thumb... After about 15 minutes of being shelled the goalies collectively decided it was more a war between us and the players than any of us competing against each other. The skaters' drills were actually much harder than the scrimmage itself, because you got no chance to get set, it was just boom-boom-boom right after the other. There was a breakaway drill where we had to swap out every three shots without pause. Scrimmage was much better - my Saturday group is mixed level and this was a higher pace for the most part, but I've also played against B/C players and mainly they are not clever just fancy with the dangles.
  7. Didn't feel too great this morning and the both of us (goalies) got shelled again. Also, the Screaming Man managed to sign himself up again! He was on his best behavior, and skating out, but I was not (and several of my teammates were not) happy with this. I don't care if he's on my side for the day or not. Made some good saves, though. One I caught between my knees and sort of sat back and went into tetris mode to protect it, and the other guy kept jabbing at me, and I jabbed back at him, and Misha had to pry him off me. And they were playing on the same side! Things got wicked intense the last 10 minutes or so - the pace quickened considerably. I did make the last stop of the game right at the horn, though. In a half-hour, I return to the rink for tournament team tryouts. For two hours. Because, of course, the best plan of action for a Saturday is to play and practice hockey for three hours. (Next week is Spring Break for the school down the street, and the rink is having extra stick time hours, and I can make 3 of 5 if I so choose.)
  8. Magnets, that sucks, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope something can be done.
  9. I didn't play hockey, or football/soccer, though I did catch and play first base in baseball. Mostly, I was a swimmer, so maybe there's a certain independence factor. (Masters/Senior swimming is just way too intense for me, even if I worked up my speed to something respectable. How on earth can people be so gear focused when they wear goggles and a scrap of lycra?) I'm doing better about not being hard on myself - I like to feel like I'm competitive, but at the same time, I don't want to wander into a thicket of despair over playing hockey. I like hockey. I like my teammates. If some butthead hurt any of my teammates, I would set the butthead's house on fire. (well, maybe just his gear.) I want more people to like hockey (that's why I like coaching. I will, ultimately, end up with more teammates that way). And it's funny, because I certainly don't get mad at my teammates for their slip-ups. This league that I used to play for as a skater, and with which I've done a number of goalie clinics, is having tryouts for a C/D level tournament team - just for tournaments, no commitment to play the WHOLE schedule. They're mostly a good bunch of people - it's small, the guy who owns the league is personable and sensible, and I've been skating for them off and on since they started. I figure it's worth a shot, if just for a laugh.
  10. Well, my mom came through her surgery alright, and has been moved back to rehab. But she's pissed about it and wants to come home. Problem is, she's lost 14lbs in the past month while hospitalized, is now down to 93lbs (she's 5'4"), and is so weak she can't climb up even one stair on her own. So she's got to be in rehab and gain some weight back (which I am sure she'll hate, as she thinks she's a fat old lady) and some strength, and not try to sabotage herself. My dad is both concerned and angry. I've been sick (or just worn out from stress) and just trying to get by with my own responsibilities. Even the dog is picking up on all the tension. Virtually all my supportive people are far away and/or working. Hockey and choir are keeping me above water right now.
  11. Well, the gear is really cool. I'm a little disappointed that slow-pitch doesn't require it! Also, you get to watch the game as much as participate in it. (both softball/baseball and hockey.)
  12. The past couple of weeks I've been sick, but I can't really quantify it as a "cold" - sore throat and cough, but also basically just fatigued as all hell. It's been getting me down, and I hadn't been able to work out for the past week, or go to stick time. I did work out yesterday, which went ... acceptably. And I played this morning, which also went ... acceptably. I let in far too many shots, but several people noted that I was basically hung out to dry defense-wise - and this is true, but I always feel like ultimately, the goal is my fault. Except the one that deflected off Sasha's stick and also the one or two that deflected off people's legs. I don't think I played well, per se, mostly because I was just dead with exhaustion about thirty minutes into an hour-and-fifteen skate. But I sort of numbed out by the latter half and made some good saves. Best and weirdest save was - puck had passed to the slot, I was in the process of moving from glove to blocker to stop it, and the guy fired it from just above the hashmarks - in absolute desperation my stick went up, the puck smacked the paddle and I swung the little sucker into the corner to my teammate, who then cleared it. The players loved it. It was stupid, but effective. I was basically functional in fits and starts, because eventually the onslaught would wear me down and I'd make a mistake. I'm hoping I feel better soon.
  13. Great job! Welcome to the cult I mean uh ... :)
  14. I'm not listed, but I'm trying to train my dad to ask better questions. For his own sake and mine. (and my brothers and aunts and uncles, who also get this information thirdhand.)
  15. (heh, I have an anxiety disorder as well) The hospital decided they'll do surgery tomorrow (Monday), but since my dad's not good at asking questions, I don't know why. I guess it's a positive sign? I'd feel better if I wasn't getting all of this third-hand through my dad, who is not adept at relaying information. (I have a cold right now, so visiting the hospital myself is definitely out of the question.)
  16. My mom was in rehab (after hospital) for about a week, but today they did a CT scan and her brain bleed is worse, so they transferred her back to Man's Greatest Hospital for surgery to relieve the pressure. That should happen tomorrow.
  17. 6 hours ago, BenderHockey said:Just booked flights/hotel in London. First trip outside the US. Exciting! Have fun.
  18. Nope. Like knee pads, it has not been at the top of my priority list for equipment. I am usually fairly well protected with a dangler and my c/a. Bruises come standard with the goalie package, but if you work extra especially hard, you can earn a free trip to the hospital.
  19. Well, you do look more svelte than the initial pictures I saw of you. Good angle? *shrug* Any way you can sneak in some more active time? (other than hockey.) I've contemplated a neck guard. Not for the 10 year olds, but more for the 50 year old ex-junior players who could probably break my stick with a shot, nevermind my softer parts.
  20. Optimus, if you don't mind my saying so, it's really apparently how much weight you've lost since starting goal. Beedee - jeebus. All of your marbles still intact after that? I finally have the day off today (ahh no obligations) and went down the street for stick and puck. I tested out the Bauer kneeguards. They were strange at first, but did not feel too bulky at all, and there was only a bit of slippage near the end, which can be fixed by adjusting the straps. They are quite stiff, in particular down in butterfly they dig a little bit into the outside of my thigh. This is probably also because I am sort of fat. But they were overall comfortable. I don't want to test them in a game yet, I'll skate a few more times in a controlled environment with them to break them in and find the right adjustment. Meanwhile, a ten year old caught me in the collarbone with a close, high shot and now I have a bruise. But, the rink manager insisted my ice time was "on the house" (it's usually $5 for goalies) because I've always helped with nets and equipment when coaching, and am always helpful and encouraging to the kids even when not technically coaching. So that was nice. (I wanted to pay, I tried.)
  21. We sang Holly Near's I Am Willing There's not a good recording of the choral version, but the chorus (I am open, I am willing) is sung by the group and the verses are sung solo.
  22. Due to an influx of players (now regularly 12 - 14 skaters, 14 being the cap), the Saturday games have kicked up a notch or two in pace. The other goalie remarked on it as well. We got rained on this past Saturday, but ended up tying at 10-10. It was an intense game, hardly any chance to catch a breath nevermind a drink, but I felt I played pretty well. It did feel like 9:45 by 9:30, though. Word on the street is that the Big Guy With Big Shot from last week played varsity in high school, but hasn't played at all in about 10 years. The other goalie is concerned his skills will quickly return to par and that we're going to be absolutely hosed when his accuracy improves. (not in terms of being scored on, but in terms of 'this is going to hurt even with appropriate padding') Tuesday is (at last) a chance to get to stick practice, roll around on the ice, practice movement, all that good stuff. Still trying to get the time of day from the coaching outfit down the street, I expect they're busy with all the kids doing pre-tryout and pre-playoff stuff.
  23. Sang my very first (in all my choral life, since I was still a treble voice) solo this morning! I was so nervous but everyone loved it - the minister and many congregants came up to me after the service, as well as members of the choir (and folks who are far more experienced and trained singers). My choir director described it as "meaningful and moving", words I know she does not use lightly, so I am very proud of myself. Not sure if I want to do another one soon, but now I know that I could!
  24. Today's the birthday of one of my work-kids- I don't see her regularly now she's in school, but it's break and she came in today with her brother and her friend and friend's little sister. Her mom told me that she had asked kiddo what she wanted to do, like what kind of fun thing for her birthday, and she thought for a moment and asked: "Today's Friday, right?" "Yes, it is." "Friday is Erik's day at the gym! We HAVE to go to the gym and see Erik!" That's just all kinds of cute.
  25. My understanding from my eye doctor(s) was that the discrepancy between the eyes so severe that if I wore contacts I'd just be dizzy and off-balance all the time. If the goggles fit well and are cheaper and will last longer ... I'll just roll with the goggles. I can adjust to the discrepancy but I'd like to give goggles a try.
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