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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by badger_14

  1. He actually was not there today either as skater or goalie. I asked my ride/teammate and he made some vague grumblings about him maybe not wanting to come back. Which is even dumber, honestly.
  2. We play on small ice (3/4 maybe? More than half) so no one really even has the time to think about the last goal before the puck is gone. One of the reasons it's my favorite skate is because of how fast it is, and when we have enough players, things are always moving, so it forces me (and everyone) to focus and think and react. In fact I'm not even sure where this guy finds time to berate people. No wonder he lets in goals ... (the despair is my own personal issue, not per se directly related to how well or poorly I play goal)
  3. In my mind, all allowed goals are ultimately my fault, so I have no particular reason to yell at people. And I know what it feels like to be screamed at for something you don't understand or that wasn't your fault. I'd rather just hang in my crease/net, play the best I can, try not to feel despair (getting better at this), and enjoy whatever good hockey is being played in front of me.
  4. Like you said, though, raising your voice to be heard isn't the same as screaming at your teammates for not playing up to your standards. Like if I'm being screened and need to be heard in Russian or English, I can speak up, but I'm not going to excoriate a 10 year old kid for not blocking a shot.
  5. The other goalie is a screamer when he skates out, too, just somewhat less so. I think everyone else was kind of done with his BS last week, though. I mean, he threatened to leave over losing in a pickup game. Dude needs to borrow some of my ativan.
  6. Seriously. The core is a bunch of physics guys from Harvard and MIT, plus assorted friends, colleagues and anyone else that can be dragged into playing, including one guy's 10 and 15 year old kids. Competitive, but when the buzzer sounds life goes on, yannow? No need for screaming or stick-throwing.
  7. I'm sure it will be fine, as long as the other guy just stays at his end of the ice. I wish he wouldn't yell at our teammates, though. I mean, it's just not worth it to get that frothed up over a pickup game. And it's not their fault if he's playing badly that day...
  8. My teammate was teasing me about being worried about the other goalie (he's an angry guy with a stick, I don't think my concerns are entirely unfounded), when I said that "He got angry because I played better than he did it in one game," and my teammate replied that if I can play better than him one time, "then soon it will be more than one time". I have told him that's fine, but since he and the other Russians all served in the Soviet army, they are tasked with protecting me if the other goalie loses his sh*t again. So we'll see how tomorrow goes.
  9. Had a great game of my own yesterday, and back to coaching Learn to Play as of this morning. Just a small bunch this year (not enough to split into two hours - only 40 kids). The guy my association hired to provide drills seems like a good egg, and the parents are nice so far. Looking forward to the season. :)
  10. Played an excellent game today. Only let in one goal, early on, and then proceeded to stop everything that got to me. The other goalie (the yeller) got so angry (he let in 9, my teammates told me) that he threw his stick at one of them and threatened to leave if they didn't start scoring (they didn't, obviously). At one point he yelled at them that it was "embarrassing" that they couldn't score on me, which only made me more determined. Dude needs to chill out, but as long as he's playing goal he's far away from me. Doesn't help the other players, though. But I played well and everyone else was very pleased, and I am happy about it.
  11. I mean, tournaments are always fun as a concept, but my track record (albeit as a forward) does not inspire confidence. I'm excited for it, I just don't want to let my team down (randomly assigned teams from the registrants). Seems like it should be pretty low-key, and FMC typically runs good programs. I need my Russian friends to teach me some less-charming Russian for when things go badly.
  12. The company that manages several of the local rinks is sponsoring a mini-tournament on Black Friday for beginner adults (mainly from their instructional programs), so for some reason I decided to sign up. I'm not sure why I thought this was a good idea, but I now have 22 days to contemplate my poor decision making. (seriously: as a skater I have been in four tournaments, and never once have any of my teams won even a single game. I think I am bad luck.)
  13. Happy (pre) Halloween! Played a challenging pickup with a group of mostly-B level skaters, but good guys, fun to watch when they weren't about to score on me (good passing and skating). Played to 5 and swapped ends - out of an hour, I lost the first one, but won the next two. Tomorrow, back to my usual pick-up skate.
  14. In the midst of an uncomfortable situation at the non-ambulance job. A recent transplant (vaguely managerial but not actually my supervisor - he was sent by our corporate overlords to "improve" us) keeps trying to intimidate me with vague threats about my job security and has now flat-out lied to me by saying that my co-workers have told him I am "cold" and "disrespectful" to customers. (since no one had ever told me this - and I have in fact been commended several times for my good customer service - I asked my co-workers and boss their opinions and they were just as bewildered as I was.) So either my boss and co-workers are lying, or the new guy is lying, and I don't know why, and I'm meeting with him and my boss later this week. I really do like my job, and I'd like to keep it.
  15. I do talk to my teammates. In English and Russian lately, actually. I just don't say anything more than I have to, and neither do they. I don't say anything when I make a save, and I don't say anything when I miss one, either. Well, "sorry". (Or "извените") I think it's a little different on the small ice, too, when the situation changes as soon as the words are out of my mouth. (the other goalie just yells at everyone about everything)
  16. For some reason I seem to play really well when I'm not feeling well. Yesterday the asthma was giving me such trouble that I considered leaving the game early, and in general I have to be pried off the ice with a crowbar. I haven't gone to any of the goalie clinics that are held after my Saturday pickup, because I haven't been well enough to manage both game and clinic. It's getting me down. But I played pretty tenaciously, bouncing from post to post, scrambling for the puck, stopping breakaways. Good times. Maybe after I see my doctor and update my medication, I'll be even better... (ha, ha). On the other hand, my teammate's son thought it was hilarious that I was "stopping everything and saying absolutely nothing" while the other goalie was "not making saves and shouting at everybody".
  17. Not messing around. (uh, who wants a biohazard sticker?)
  18. Thanks! My Saturday teammates are the bee's knees. They tolerate my slow, uneven development as a goalie, they play defence, they don't steal my water... they take pretty decent photos for using a 15 year old low-end digital camera... Good deal, beedee! I've never played a game with a score attached, but I know I have never had a shutout. Congrats!
  19. Unfortunately, during my recent trip to the urgent care (woo, lung infection) they only had biohazard bags and not stickers. Darn.
  20. Playing hockey this morning was an excessively poor choice that I am currently paying dearly for (still sick), but my teammates took some more photos of me.
  21. Next time I'm (working) at the hospital I'll see about getting some biohazard stickers from a sympathetic nurse.
  22. The worst/best part is that I was skating with a bunch of EMTs/Paramedics last night, people you'd think would know better than to drink from random containers of liquid.
  23. Who the hell drinks the goalie's water? Don't do that. Definitely don't ask if you can and then drink it without waiting for a response. Numbskull(s) drank all my water while I was busy stopping pucks and sweating my face off. Joke's on them, though, I have a bad cold/fever. Enjoy your new virus friend!
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