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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by badger_14

  1. My mom's out of the hospital and doing well, started outpatient therapy yesterday. Good to have her home.
  2. Glad to hear things are looking up. Best regards.
  3. Sorry to hear - best wishes, hope everything goes ok.
  4. My mom isn't as frail as "stroke" would imply - she's certainly coherent and cognizant of what's going on around her, cracking wise, etc. Having seen her yesterday, she seems to be doing pretty well.
  5. My dad acquiesced to taking me with him for a visit this afternoon. She's doing about as I expected, though if there's a rehab bed available they may spring her as early as tomorrow, since they've done all their evals. Good deal, I suppose.
  6. Transportation is complicated but I'll see if I can go with my dad tonight. Other things are complicated and, even if I want to see her, she may not want to see me. But we'll see how that goes.
  7. If I could, I would visit. Unfortunately, one of us has to stay with our dog, and that's me. It was a similar situation when she broke her hip last summer. She also prefers to see my dad. My understanding is she'll be in the acute care until they determine what caused the stroke, and then she'll be transferred to a rehab hospital.
  8. I live with my father & mother, actually. He does relay things if I ask, he's just not a talkative person to begin with, and he has a lot on his plate with his job, etc. Fortunately my mom's sister is flying in today, and her other sister might come up at some point as well.
  9. My mom had a stroke on Sunday. She's in the hospital and, I suppose, doing alright, but it's hard on my dad and he doesn't relay much information.
  10. My new nephew was born yesterday (finally!), healthy and adorable. He and his brother will doubtless take over the world someday.
  11. Yeah, for sure hats have to be your thing, but I think the guy's got a strong concept going for him, and it's quality work. I think somewhere it was mentioned he might add winter hats/toques to his lineup at some point.
  12. And wasn't even terribly expensive, either. Something like $30 including shipping? I think the guy's just starting out the business, he had an ad on Facebook of all places.
  13. Not quite equipment, but I just got this in the mail from LYD Hockey. Their deal is custom hockey hats - you pick a hat, and send them a piece of material (a piece of jersey, t-shirt, whatever) of some significance to you and your hockey playing, and they design and build you up a keen hat. (the maple leaf in the design is made from a piece of hospital gown.) The photo doesn't really do it justice.
  14. Some clown at vocational rehab stole my phone. It isn't even worth anything on the market. It's also the only # for important folks, like my doctors, to get in touch with me.
  15. Oh, man, migraines are the worst. Good luck! Hope you can get some rest & whatever your migraine fix of choice is soon.
  16. I've been asked to two separate job interviews (two different companies) in as many days!
  17. My fiancee is totally in love with the plush effigy I made for her of her favorite hockey player (Guy Carbonneau). Success!
  18. My 'adopted' mom got released from the hospital yesterday, my realmom got released on Tuesday, and I had a very nice windfall (fate's early birthday present) from a scratch ticket today. July is looking to be much better than June.
  19. Turns out my concussion isn't as better as I thought. Definitely no hockey this week.
  20. A few weeks ago I had one of my skates widened to relieve a sore spot ... got to try them last night. Holy cow. It didn't hurt! I may have to send a fawning letter and cookies to the hockey shop.
  21. Second most exciting part of my day today: picking up a new pair of pants. Old pants: New pants:
  22. That's a beautiful jersey right there.
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