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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by badger_14

  1. We got a brand new pediatric airway sim - a "syndaver" or synthetic cadaver - at medic school, and it is ABSOLUTELY REPULSIVE and the stuff of nightmares but it's also amazing and the most realistic mannikin I've ever seen. (airway just means it's the head and shoulders/upper torso). It has tastebuds for pete's sake. It smells weird. I love it.
  2. Usually I'm not this bad, even after a couple of weeks off. I just feel like everything is going by me. It will do me some good to have a lesson anyway, I think. I can call it an early birthday present. Eh- yes and no. Not in terms of movement (because moving in sneakers on court/concrete is a whole lot different than being in skates on ice). But yes in terms of reaction and alertness, things like tracking the ball/puck. Yes also in the sense that it's good to shake things up and try something different - sometimes I find a different pickup to go to as well, just because it's new people and I don't know how they operate, so it shakes up my brain. Same with playing on the small ice (3v3 or 4v4) vs. the large ice. Inline I think is better than street (on foot) because in street (foot) hockey it's a lot of slapshots and not much else. Inline behaves a little bit more like ice. (even with a ball).
  3. Go to the doctor for a TB test (school requirement), come back with a diagnosis of probable pneumonia. That explains a lot. >(
  4. While I didn't play as badly this Saturday as I did the week before, I still played badly. I am annoyed that I was off for three weeks, returned home, and now everything has gone all pear-shaped. Luckily it's that time of year that there's plenty of open spots for lessons with the folks down the street, so I plan on scheduling a couple over the coming weeks. It's high time to work on some fundamentals. The Brian's c/a is lighter than it appears at first glance. It was still quite stiff the first time out, but more mobile than expected. Good coverage over the belly. Nearly got stuck trying to get it on, and get the jersey on over it. Protective, fits well, just needs to break in a bit so I can wriggle into it more easily (and without flailing for help from my teammates). This morning I played street hockey - technically roller hockey, but the goalies were in sneakers. This was actually a super nice change - 3v3 on a smaller surface, with a ball, on court, presented an unusual challenge. We played games til 5 - that is, until one or the other goalie let in five - and managed to get in six of those, which meant about 2.5 hours, and I had the better record. Lost the first two, but won the next four. In fairness, the other guy hadn't played goal at all in a while, and it was also quite hot. We took a lot of breaks, and I think eventually it broke down to three teams: light, dark, and goalies. (Because you can't help rooting for the other guy who is suffering under the same ridiculous quantity of equipment as you are). I had to take off my jersey and just go with a chest protector, and ended up sunburned on top of being overheated (and then went and played softball, because I don't make good life choices). I am 90% certain I lost about 6lbs of sweat, and I am still trying to cool off as best I can. However, it was a lot of fun and a good confidence builder, a good change of pace. Next up to schedule a couple of lessons and get my brain in order for ice.
  5. It's not quite as bulky as it looks, but definitely more solid than the last one. No so sure about stat improvement, but I'll accept fewer stings.
  6. Did not play well today. :( My brain is still lagging from the Germany trip (aside from the time shift, got used to a routine of food/tourism/rehearsal/food/perform/tourism/sleep) and I couldn't track for beans. There was a little lack of defence but a lot of the goals were just plainly me being slow or out of sorts. However, I bit the bullet and went out and got a new chest protector. It took some discussion and perusal, because I have a senior-size torso and intermediate-size arms. Tried a warrior ritual classic and liked the fit, but the arms were too long. Tried a Bauer, same problem. Another CCM and a warrior, both felt too bulky. Vaughn, not quite sufficient in the torso and arms too long. Finally, finally we arrived at a Brian's SubZero 3. Pretty mobile even off the rack, confident it'll loosen up nicely, and stunningly, the arms fit. As an added bonus, within my price range, although on the high side. The very top of the arm is soft, it velcros into the body, if I really wanted I could have it tailored up permanently, but it works well as-is. Looking forward to giving it a go soon, although the first skate I might need some help struggling into it.
  7. Sitting in a hotel in Frankfurt... it's been an absolutely wild ten days, nothing like I've ever experienced before. Halfway across the world to perform in four cities, trains and buses and trams, a new language to navigate and hotels and restaurants. And we did pretty well, for being an amateur - non-auditioned - church choir. Someone even asked if we had a CD out! A lot of work, and more singing and rehearsing than I've ever done, but well worth it. Immensely grateful for the opportunity.
  8. It's finally kicking in for me that I'm flying out to Germany tomorrow, to perform in concerts that people will pay actual money to attend. Also, we're going to hang out with a bunch of European Unitarians at a conference. My director has promised to record at least one of the concerts, so my mother will be able to hear us sing at least once.
  9. For better or worse, my mom is upgraded to "probably will not die in the next 10 days" but "almost certainly will die within 6 months."
  10. My mother is dying. MRSA pneumonia, aspiration pneumonia. My dad and I are spending much of our days at the hospital. All is waiting and despair.
  11. I happened to have Wednesday off (was supposed to have a work training, but it was cancelled) and went over to a local rink for a pickup hour that I hadn't been to since I was still a skater. I should have remembered how fast a skate it is. It's more of a B than my Russian Embassy guys, which averages out to a good C. I didn't play so well, not as well as I wanted. I had one person telling me I needed to stay standing up (this usually comes from older guys, in their late 50s and 60s, and in fairness I do probably drop too much and too quickly). But it was a good challenge and a good workout. It turns out that when you wear a Russian jersey to pickup, it attracts the notice of Russians who might be playing, and they engage you in conversation (in Russian) and that is how I ended up with a couple more skaters for the Saturday pickup. Also, it gives me more opportunity to practice my Russian. Today was another good challenge - we played about two hours, and I made some good saves. No additional bruises. The rink is still warm and I think my gear ended up weighing about 15lbs more with sweat.
  12. I'll put those on the list... I looked at the G2 last time I was in a store, but they didn't have anything smaller than a senior large which was just too much. There was also a Bauer that fit me nearly perfectly except the arm length. If worst comes to worst, I know a couple of shops that could modify any C/A.
  13. Donked the ambulance (box-style - usually I drive vanbulances) on a low branch and because it's my second accident I get an involuntary vacation (8 hours). Ugh. I feel so ashamed.
  14. My friend from medic school and I are trying to arrange our schedules to be able to play goal together - on opposite teams, of course. But she works the night shift (so no morning hockey with me and the Russian Embassy) and of course, we're in class two nights of the week, and I'm working one of those nights... at least we're having a good time commiserating about our on-ice lives. We're talking about playing in a tournament, but the only issue there is that she's far, far better than I am, and one of us has to lose! We might have to settle for going gear-shopping/ogling, because I am pretty sure I need to upgrade my chest protector. It's got to be an in-person thing, because I need a C/A that fits my dimensions (comparatively round in the torso, comparatively short arms) or it'll need to be modified after purchase. And maybe a step up or two in protection. The past two weeks have been an exercise in bruising - upper arms, belly stingers (why must they shoot exactly in the spot where I do my med injections, why?), and today due to both poor positioning and poor rib coverage I've ended up with a massive bruise on my lats. (last week I got a huge one through two layers of padding on my thigh, which literally cramped my style). So, maybe it's time for a shopping trip. I really can't afford it, but I also like not being in pain, so? This week was less good as far as stopping pucks went, but last week I think I stopped everything out of sheer, unadulterated rage, which isn't healthy or sustainable. This week we played in the Incomprehensibly Hot Arena (Why Is It So Warm In Here This Is An Ice Rink) for about two+ hours and I might have been dying by like an hour and fifty. I didn't stop as many pucks, but I felt so much better and enjoyed myself and may have spoken more than 4 or 5 words, it is rumored I spoke an entire sentence to someone. I feel like going back and having another lesson with the folks down the street would be good, maybe two, to re-up on positioning and basics. I was thinking I might try a cat-eye cage, or at least try one on in the store. I have extremely poor vision in my right eye, and I wonder if a cat-eye style might make things feel a bit more balanced and maybe help the peripheral vision a little.
  15. I was asked to work the marathon this year instead of my usual shift! :D They're pretty particular about which crews they station on the route, so I feel pleased to be asked.
  16. I played well enough today, but I'm in a mode of bleak despair where anyone who speaks to me on the ice will get shoved, cursed out or cracked in the legs, so it balances out.
  17. Positioning and movement will come in time, but it helps very much to have gear that fits. In fact, that's enough of a size difference that the gifted gear might not be safe for you to play in. I'd recommend seeing what fits and what doesn't, and see if you can trade in (like at Play It Again Sports, don't know where you live though) the stuff that doesn't. Moving as a goalie is so much different than as a player, it's lumpy and awkward. First, make sure you have gear that fits properly. Second, if there's a goalie clinic near you, take in a session or two. You'll get feedback from a live coach and advice on positioning and movement. If you're allowed (some rinks frown on this), put on the lower half (pants, pads) and go out to a public skate just to get the feel of it. Put some padding down and practice moving and dropping on dry-land, like while watching TV. Before my games I try to play bouncing a ball off the wall and catching it (toss it underhand, catch the rebound) and that seems to help focus my hand-eye coordination and make it easier to track the play. YMMV.
  18. As of Tuesday evening, my mom is back in the hospital. She apparently sort of crumpled when they got back from her chemo appointment, and then the home nurse showed up and called the ambulance. They're definitely sending her to rehab this time, just looking for a bed. It's a relief to me and my dad. I am inching closer to giving my classroom squadmate a come-to-Jesus. I don't know what he's like in the field, but he's awful at patient assessment, the sort of person who can't see the forest for the trees , and on top of that gets super condescending toward anyone who tries to get a word in edgewise. (One of our instructors knows him because they work at the same company; I don't think she'd be too too unhappy if I duct-taped his mouth shut for the duration of lab...)
  19. Stupid hospital released my mom. You'd think this would be good, but she very much should be going to rehab. Alas, she convinced them she can handle stairs so they are sending her home.
  20. I was all set to go back to therapy today (I've been off for many weeks due to needing the time block for other things like errands and doctor's appointments and just having five minutes to rest), things have been tough with some hard patients but I'm holding on alright but - this morning my mom was sick and we had to call the ambulance today, so my dad was freaking out (he gets mad about dumb things when he's worried, which means my mom thinks he's mad at her, and I have to run interference getting things ready and talking to the paramedics) and then instead of going to therapy I had to pick him up from the hospital after work (Which I was late to because of running interference). So here we go again.
  21. That's awful, I'm sorry to hear that. :(
  22. Sometimes folks use a gym as a cruising spot hoping somebody is "up" for a good time (so to speak), or have a prior agreement (via say, craigslist or grindr or tinder) to meet someone for illicit sex. I've heard of opposite-sex couples happening before, but just not as often as same-sex. Regardless of the equipment involved, it is a vastly inappropriate use of the facilities.
  23. It happens occasionally, so it doesn't surprise me, but it's just so maddening because it's always a third party reporting it, and the dude or dudes are always gone before you can catch them. If we did catch them, they'd have their membership cancelled and we'd have grounds to call the cops. I suppose in some places there's a tacit agreement that the bath house is a place for illicit sexual acts, but like, why gotta do this to an ordinary, run of the mill fitness club? Take your pervy self and go find a rest area or some bushes or something. Or go home.
  24. Reports of folks masturbating in the sauna at work are popping up. People are disgusting. Worse, unless we catch someone in the act, there's not a lot we can do to put a stop to it.
  25. Playing full ice when it's so cold (10F) sucks. The action is slower than small ice and all your sweat goes cold, even with wicking gear, just cold and clammy. Neither of us goalies was doing too well, honestly. We had the ice for two hours, so eventually things got moving. Eventually. I got some Target-brand C9 undergear that I've been digging. Naturally, most of the Targets are now all sold out of it by now.
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