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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by badger_14

  1. I've got one paramedic classmate who straight up needs to be thrown out a window. Dude, how many times do you need to be told "treat the patient not the numbers"? Just because we have an expanded drug box doesn't mean we need to use EVERYTHING IN IT.
  2. At the Russian Embassy, this one guy had like 6 breakaways. I was ... less than amused. Particularly also when he nailed me in the forehead, and then another time (not a breakaway) when he hit my favorite defenceman with a shot in the ankle that had said defenceman limping to the bench and sitting out a few shifts. (I was concerned. Dude once broke my skate, an ankle would not be out of the question). Dude is a getting a touch over-aggressive, I think. I mean he's a pretty - ah- enthusiastic - player anyway (he shouts a lot. Lord give me strength, I do not like the screamers.) but I'm about ready to pull a Hasek on him. Otherwise, I actually had a pretty solid game. My cranky knee felt really good (odd, since I didn't work out or stretch AT ALL yesterday, like I usually do), and I was tracking the puck really well. Other than getting whaled on by Dude, I made a lot of good stops and felt happy with my play. I've been thinking about upgrading my chest protector, which is probably going to involve a somewhat protracted effort to find something that fits me. Fortunately, my paramedic classmate who is also a goalie is always up for gear-browsing so perhaps we'll go together. (goaltending: better with a friend.)
  3. It's on a curve? Well crap no wonder my brother's classmates hated him. Seriously, congratulations, enjoy the depth and breadth of the subject, and go forth and screw up the curve like a boss.
  4. My dad is still recovering from knee replacement, and now my mom is in the hospital with pneumonia for an undetermined number of days (she also has cancer, which she is on chemo for). Oh, and my dad is getting his other knee done in about a week, and then he'll be in the hospital for 3-4 days. At least there's no snow forecast over the next week.
  5. One of my medic classmates is a queer lady goalie and we're becoming fast friends over hockey, goaltending, queerness and EMS. It's great times.
  6. Got through week 1 of medic school. On to week 2! Just gonna take it week by week.
  7. Don't listen to kids freaking out over GPAs. It's just drama. A GPA is just a factor, not the end of the world (for you or them). I had basically the same problem with homework - I would forget to do it, then realize I was behind, panic, and give up in despair. There's a bit of perfectionism behind that for a lot of people- if you aren't going to be perfect every time, why bother at all? Tests were easier- straightforward, one block of time. I mean - I'm 30 years old, and I've only recently begun to figure out strategies to improve executive function and also not feel like I am a failure for asking for help. High school is a nightmare - don't feel bad that it's your vent. It's important to you and you spend 40 hours a week there. Eventually, you will emerge (if not victorious per se). (For practical purposes, I have found that setting aside specific blocks for homework, and rewarding myself- I like stickers personally- when I meet my goals.)
  8. Super stressed by everything right now (bad calls, preparing for medic school) and feeling like I have no outlets or anyone to talk to. :( I mean I have a therapist but it'd be great to converse with someone who isn't a coworker, floridly psychotic, or under the age of six.
  9. I have Bauer reactor pads and Bauer supreme kneepads. I actually did have some trouble with the pads getting stuck on the kneepads at first, but it turned out to be a strapping issue for me. However: it seems like a lot of people find the supreme kneepads very uncomfortable and ill-fitting, so ymmv with those from the get-go anyway.
  10. We had to take a 5 year old on a section (psych hold) yesterday. Such a little guy. He'd been witness to extensive violence in his life and was acting out in very serious ways. Everybody (including family) knew it wasn't safe for him to be at home anymore, but that didn't make it any easier. Parents went with him, whole family and neighbors would've come if there'd been room, so he has a supportive family and that's good, at least. Caseworker said he's the youngest she's ever had to section (and I know she pulled some serious strings to get him a bed close to home). I hope he does well.
  11. As a general rule, we don't really like to involve PD on calls (I work on an EMS unit that handles solely involuntary psych holds from within the community). But there's times when there's a safety issue and we do want/need/call them in, and they take forever to show up. If the caseworker and dispatch says "we have an actively homicidal, floridly psychotic patient who needs to go to the hospital", it would be really nice if they could get there in less than, say, 45 minutes. (guess whose patient eloped into the neighborhood while we were waiting? yeah.) I get that they're not really trained for this, and you run the risk of escalating a situation by involving police, but all we want to do is get this kid to the hospital safely.
  12. Once again, I apparently play my best hockey when sick. Not sure how that works, besides the fact that I'm not able to overthink what I'm doing. Finally taken to wearing regular knee protection after Misha tried to cripple me a couple weeks ago. Still sorting out the thicket of elastic and velcro, but the knee guards are comfortable and stay in place and prevent receiving a charley horse from an errant puck. Getting an occasional twinge along my incisions, but it's much better than the first week back. Flexibility is pretty much back in place, and increased in a couple of spots. Stamina is still dubious, but the only thing that fixes that is actually playing. A friend found me a copy of Vladislav Tretiak's Manual for Young Goaltenders. It's got some interesting exercises in it. And, of course, reading about hockey from a Soviet perspective is interesting. (the book is in Russian, published around 1986 I believe). Lots of agility, hand-eye coordination.
  13. An EMT at my company died on Tuesday, and we're not a large company, so it's been a disconcerting week for everyone. I'd worked with him only a few times, but as a person, I feel for his family - he was very young, only 29 - and on top of that, as an EMT, I feel for his regular partner. My regular partner and I, it's not even as if we're good friends, but I can't imagine waking up after a 12 hour shift to find out he's dead. It's awful. And it's so surreal to see all his shifts pop up available on the shift scheduler - like a ghost.
  14. Bad news: Did not do well on my math placement test last night. Good news: Spoke with an admissions counselor and found a loophole. Great news: Admitted to the college's Paramedic program, starting in January!
  15. First day back on the ambulance today. So happy. I may regret that statement later, but for now I am content.
  16. FINALLY PLAYED HOCKEY AGAIN AFTER SIX WEEKS OFF. Also, the choir went caroling this afternoon for an event put on by the city arts' council, and many, many people stopped us to take video and tell us how good we were.
  17. Well, today went... not so bad, actually. My original plan was to skate at the local school on Tuesday to gauge my readiness for real hockey, but when I got there, that skate was cancelled. (so I went to PIAS and bought a 20 year old stick for @bunnyman666 instead). So, forging ahead, I told the Russian Embassy that I would come back today anyway. I started off ... pretty wobbly, I guess. (I'm also recovering from a cold - when it rains, it pours), let in a few soft goals, felt like I was going to puke. I'm surprised I managed to get dressed in proper order. But after 5 minutes or so I felt much better - adrenaline I suppose. I still let in some bad goals because my stamina is shot all to hell (I made the mistake of looking at the clock at 9:30am, with the skate due to end at 9:50am. Oops.) and I was just worn, but my teammates gave no quarter and treated me exactly as they had before I had surgery so I got into things pretty quickly. I made some nice saves and was pretty aggressive - I've been playing that way since the tournament in the summer, and it's working out well. I took a nice close shot off the collarbone which has left a bruise, but mainly I was just tired, so nothing for that but skating. And I am so, so happy to be playing again.
  18. That sucks. Take it easy. Meds are a beast.
  19. The gym's proprietary software has been on the fritz for 3 weeks. On top of that, we are now down to one computer at the front desk because another employee fried the other one by turning it off/on rapidly a bunch of times.
  20. My team is hosed. I AM 911! I will probably got to the quietest stick practice I can find beforehand, just to get myself back in order. As close to order as I ever am. Two more weeks til full clearance - better than Christmas.
  21. I definitely don't feel ready to play yet (still waiting on that last wonky bit of incision to heal), but I've gotta at least try and build my endurance back up. Soon, though! Good luck with your skate, too.
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