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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by dsjunior1388

  1. Winning brings fans in. A new stadium will spike attendence for the first year, maybe the second, but winning is the only way to ensure a fanbase. I just love that pittsburgh thinks they have reached a point where they will never have attendence problems again because they have two superstars. Apparently they forgot that this is not the first time they had two superstars, and it didn't prevent them from nearly going belly up right after they left.
  2. I hate the State Farm, team, they even cheap shot the guys on our team that CAN'T skate. Loaded up with ringers, it's pathetic. ANd how come they get a new guy last week? We have the shortest bench in the league and we're in last place, they're in first place and they get to pick up free agents even though the rosters are supposed to be frozen.
  3. Wow, Ive seen plenty of good natured sarcasm over being with a fan of the opposite team, but never someone actually wanting to fight. that's just sad.
  4. I actually printed them out to see if they'd fit me. Little big...
  5. It's absolutely douchebaggery, and for the most part ragging the puck in you own end is pathetic and breaking an unwritten rule, you just need to throw an intense fore-check at them.
  6. Watching the Lions is bad enough, but watching without Matthew Stafford or Calvin Johnson?
  7. Sorry, he was 13 which I define as a kid. However, anyone over 8 should know better. I can tell you one thing, 8 year old me never would have done that. Still have scarring around the ear from acting up in the grocery store, no way I'm going near anything worth $250
  8. Nice ones, took more than one long look at those before I decided they were too much.
  9. Been looking at them for quite some time and figured I may as well pull the trigger, lol. Freaking glove whore I'm becoming... egads. Sold the Grafs and the RBK Wings Pro Tacks. Now have two pair of Eagles, two pair of Eastons, and the RBK's coming next week. But whenever I feel guilty I just look at this site and figure out there are bigger whores than me! :lol: At this point I'm pretty sure Drewhunz and TBLfan have justified more unnecessary spending than the US government :D
  10. Nice, love the Anaheim scheme, almost bought some Reebok Pro Tacks but they were sold out. PS when are we ever not on the subject of gloves?
  11. Scored my first goal in organized hockey today. Kept the score sheet as a souvenir. Also had a job interview this morning and I feel very confident about it.
  12. Actually my roommate is a sports medicine major and a lot of professionals are now questioning the merits of stretching. some of them suggest that all your doing is increasing the odds of a muscle pull, and instead you should warm up with stages of more and more exertion until you get to game speed.
  13. Following him on Twitter, this is his last post: Hockey is happiness it's intoxication without the hangover, it's stimulation without the pills. It's price is high, yet it's reward are richer. Some say its a boy's pastime, yet it builds men. It cleanses the mind. Rejuvenates the body. It is these things and many more for those of us who know and love hockey is truly happiness.
  14. So you're the one who swiped those from me in that auction. Fiddlesticks! lol nice how do you like em
  15. those are beautiful Haha, says the guy with a BC logo as his avatar. What's that supposed to mean A BC fan who likes gloves that look like they came from BU.
  16. You just beat me to it! He mentions MSH on one of his tweets LOL well he had texted me that he had set it up and so I gave him the mention on here. Did he cancel it? I can't find him on there, all though I did find TJ Oshie.
  17. Patrick Swayze died. Also, don't know if you guys heard, Ernie Harwell has inoperable cancer, and less than a year to live.
  18. Cleaning up the spare room for a visator. This isn't from the storage unit, just what was laying around in the 1 room FYI. I've also had requests to post a pic of my ghetto blaster from back in the day. Yes, that is a turntable on the front. Sharp VZ2000 How many sticks do you have, ballpark?
  19. broke the longest drought of my young career tonight, finally getting back on the ice again after not skating since July 28th. Good to be back
  20. Got to hang out with my brother for what will probably be the last time before he goes to Coast Guard boot camp in New Jersey and then starts a 6 year tour in the Virginia/New Jersey/Maryland era. Definitely bittersweet, but I'm happy for him and his future.
  21. Because of financial "eccentricites" on my part, (that coincidentally coincided with the aims and goals of this particular website) my attendance at CMU was in grave jeapordy. Yesterday I got confirmation that everything has worked out in my favor and I will be able to continue my education. Whew!
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