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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by dsjunior1388

  1. It's absolutely douchebaggery, and for the most part ragging the puck in you own end is pathetic and breaking an unwritten rule, you just need to throw an intense fore-check at them.
  2. Watching the Lions is bad enough, but watching without Matthew Stafford or Calvin Johnson?
  3. Nice ones, took more than one long look at those before I decided they were too much.
  4. Been looking at them for quite some time and figured I may as well pull the trigger, lol. Freaking glove whore I'm becoming... egads. Sold the Grafs and the RBK Wings Pro Tacks. Now have two pair of Eagles, two pair of Eastons, and the RBK's coming next week. But whenever I feel guilty I just look at this site and figure out there are bigger whores than me! :lol: At this point I'm pretty sure Drewhunz and TBLfan have justified more unnecessary spending than the US government :D
  5. Nice, love the Anaheim scheme, almost bought some Reebok Pro Tacks but they were sold out. PS when are we ever not on the subject of gloves?
  6. Scored my first goal in organized hockey today. Kept the score sheet as a souvenir. Also had a job interview this morning and I feel very confident about it.
  7. Following him on Twitter, this is his last post: Hockey is happiness it's intoxication without the hangover, it's stimulation without the pills. It's price is high, yet it's reward are richer. Some say its a boy's pastime, yet it builds men. It cleanses the mind. Rejuvenates the body. It is these things and many more for those of us who know and love hockey is truly happiness.
  8. So you're the one who swiped those from me in that auction. Fiddlesticks! lol nice how do you like em
  9. those are beautiful Haha, says the guy with a BC logo as his avatar. What's that supposed to mean A BC fan who likes gloves that look like they came from BU.
  10. You just beat me to it! He mentions MSH on one of his tweets LOL well he had texted me that he had set it up and so I gave him the mention on here. Did he cancel it? I can't find him on there, all though I did find TJ Oshie.
  11. Patrick Swayze died. Also, don't know if you guys heard, Ernie Harwell has inoperable cancer, and less than a year to live.
  12. Cleaning up the spare room for a visator. This isn't from the storage unit, just what was laying around in the 1 room FYI. I've also had requests to post a pic of my ghetto blaster from back in the day. Yes, that is a turntable on the front. Sharp VZ2000 How many sticks do you have, ballpark?
  13. broke the longest drought of my young career tonight, finally getting back on the ice again after not skating since July 28th. Good to be back
  14. Got to hang out with my brother for what will probably be the last time before he goes to Coast Guard boot camp in New Jersey and then starts a 6 year tour in the Virginia/New Jersey/Maryland era. Definitely bittersweet, but I'm happy for him and his future.
  15. Because of financial "eccentricites" on my part, (that coincidentally coincided with the aims and goals of this particular website) my attendance at CMU was in grave jeapordy. Yesterday I got confirmation that everything has worked out in my favor and I will be able to continue my education. Whew!
  16. Whats the deal with the eagle CP94? i see a few pro stock sets out there, but they arent on the website and I never see them in stores. from the look of them I think i'd rather have them than ppf or x70/x72s. Is it an old model they dont make anymore? or is it just a pro model only?
  17. You were the kid in kindergarten who always forgot to bring in his toy and would just stand up there trying to tell us about how cool it was, weren't you? ;)
  18. I think showing up to stick time with full gear is definitely over the top. I can see wearing the bottom half since there is a huge difference skating with pads on versus just sweats. The rink definitely needs to enforce the rules because you are right, there is going to be a disaster down the road. On a slightly different topic, the rink near my house recently had two different stick times during springs vacation for the school kids. One was for up to 12 years old (and parents) and another for 13 and up. I think that this is a good way to avoid disasters with older guys and young kids. Obviously this depends on having the ice time available to do this. I'll admit I've gotten my little brothers and my cousins together and we've comandeered one of the zones for 4 on 4 or whatever (commandeered as in showing up early, not pushing anyone around). I can see how maybe it wouldn't be a good idea. On a similar note, my two little brothers (13 and 15) tried to play goalie for about a year, just at sticks and pucks. One of them would gear up, and me and the other one would take shots and work on form and technique. However, because there was a goalie, we constantly had people we didn't know wanting to fire away shots on a goalie instead of an empty net. Too often any practice or training would dissolve into a breakaway line, with a new goalie facing repeated breakaways, pretty much the most difficult thing for a goalie to do, rather than practicing angles or movements on shots they would see more than once a game. More than once I would be trying to coach or advise my little brother and some one fires a puck at an upright goalie with his hands at his side. SOmething I've never understood, but in the future, make sure the goalie is actually planning on taking your shot before you let one rip.
  19. aw, i was really hoping for a hasek/gaborik ending to that, followed by a sarcastic *Tap Tap*
  20. Millionth view gets custom MSH warrior franchises courtesy of JR! (I didn't say it, but now that you mention it...)
  21. Not to hijack the thread but.....Is this a general rule with goalies? That they prefer the seats closest to the door? Our goalies dwell in the deepest darkest corners of the locker room, so they get in everyones way, take up as much space as possible and stumble all over your equipment while they're trying to awkwardly get out of their space. Also they refuse to sit anywhere else. Is all this normal? They are not normal. They are goalies. :P
  22. You know what? it's great that a couple of the guys from the club team showed up to drop-in now that the season is over. And it's cool that a kid who plays Junior came over from Flint to skate with us. but sorry buddy, no matter how many times you hog the puck, force bad shots, and screw up deke moves through four opponents, three teammates and the zamboni, no one is going to come up to you after the skate and ask you to try out with them next season. Pass the puck.
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